Attic LightingHidden LightingInterior Design MinimalistContemporary BarnAttic ConversionAttic DesignAttic ApartmentAttic BedroomsAttic RenovationAttic Lightingexposed purlins20
Loft CeilingAttic LightingAttic Bedroom DesignsModern Home OfficesFuturistic HomeLoft LightingModern Barn HouseModern Lighting DesignAttic RoomsGallery of Ship Chandler’s Warehouse, Skibshandlen / RAVN Arkitektur - 18Image 18 of 24 from gallery of Ship Chandler’s Warehouse, Skibshandlen / RAVN Arkitektur. Photograph by Adam Mørk161
Sloped Ceiling LightingAttic WardrobeAttic Renovation IdeasAttic LightingAttic HouseSlanted CeilingSmall AtticAttic FlooringAttic Conversioncountryestate01 | designboom.com272
Attic OfficeAttic Renovation IdeasAttic LightingFinished AtticAttic LoftAttic HouseLoft OfficeAttic ConversionAttic Room322 Reinvented / Substance ArchitectureCompleted in 2010 in United States. Images by Paul Crosby. This Iowa City residence, built in 1941 and subsequently expanded several times over the intervening decades, was a complex mass housing a warren of...996
Dormer Window With BalconyAttic Window BalconySkylight Sloped RoofTongue And Groove AtticAttic Velux WindowsVelux Windows Loft Attic ConversionHome Attic IdeasSlanted Window BedroomAttic With SkylightOur VELUX Roof Balcony Window and Skylight Review — Renovation Husbands// Disclaimer: We are a VELUX partner and they sponsored the installation of the Roof Balcony Window and Skylights. However, all opinions in this blog post are our own.822
Architectural Ceiling LightingLighting For Attic CeilingsAttic Ceiling LightingSlanted Ceiling DesignSlanted Ceiling LightingAttic LightsVaulted Ceiling LightingAttic LightingGarage Guest HousePinterestDiscover recipes, home ideas, style inspiration and other ideas to try.303
Small Attic RoomAttic OfficeAttic Bedroom DesignsLoft OfficeInterior Design Per La CasaSmall AtticAttic DesignScandinavian CountriesAttic RenovationAttic: Size, Functionality, Uses, Furniture And RenovationAttics range in size, functionality, and potential uses. Typical attics measure from 100 square feet (9.3 square meters) to 160 square feet (14.9 square3.8k
Attic Window BalconyAttic Room With BalconySkylight Balcony WindowAttic With SkylightAttic Skylight WindowsRoof Apartment InteriorAttic Window IdeasBalcony SkylightRoom Roof DesignFakro roof windows add light and space to attic apartments in VirginiaDezeen promotion: Windows by Fakro punctuate the roof of a multi-family apartment block in Richmond, USA, creating balconies for the residents to enjoy.1.2k
Attic Living RoomDesign LožnicAttic LightingGlass RailingsAttic WindowAttic LoftSmall AtticAttic ConversionLoft LightingAttic Living RoomAngle light6.1k
Bedroom Lighting DiyExposed Beams CeilingNot ToFaux BeamsFaux Wood BeamsBedroom Light FixturesWood Beam CeilingDiy CeilingIndirect LightingBlog - Barron DesignsInstall hidden uplighting in your beams It goes without saying that faux beams add a warm woody glow to your room. But they can also help add the glow of real light. The hollow part of the beam is a great place to hide electric wires and route them to light fixtures mounted inside or on top. The three photos show three different ways of lighting up your beams.Hiding uplights inside the hollow of the beam The first photo shows suspended beams (attached only at their ends) with lights inside…696