Labyrinth GoblinsAncient WritingCylinder SealSacred TreeArchaeological DiscoveriesMesopotamiaTrade BeadsObjet D'artAncient CivilizationsFIVE WESTERN ASIATIC CYLINDER SEALS , CIRCA LATE 2ND-1ST MILLENNIUM B.C. | Christie'sCIRCA LATE 2ND-1ST MILLENNIUM B.C.189
Ancient LettersPersian WarriorCylinder SealAncient PersiaAncient MesopotamiaAncient PersianAncient SculptureAncient Egyptian ArtAncient MysteriesAncient Letters29
Yoga MudrasHand MudrasSacred WaterJupiter MoonsChi EnergyPlanetary SystemCylinder SealHand GesturesChristian TheologyThe Mystery of the Seven Sages: Were They Visitors from the Stars?The tradition and iconography of the Seven Sages can be found in many cultures. They represent extraterrestrial visitors who live in the subterranean aquifers.48
Old KingdomCylinder SealGreat HouseEgyptian ArtAncient EgyptianAncient ArtAncient EgyptSmall GroupsSealsAN EGYPTIAN SERPENTINE CYLINDER SEAL, OLD KINGDOM, 6TH DYNASTY, REIGN OF PEPY I, 2321-2287 B.C. | Christie'sOLD KINGDOM, 6TH DYNASTY, REIGN OF PEPY I, 2321-2287 B.C.14
Cylinder SealFlowering TreeAncient Near EastBull HeadAncient JewelryHistorical ArtMesopotamiaBronze AgeAncient ArtifactsAN ELAMITE GREEN STONE CYLINDER SEAL , CIRCA 3000 B.C. | Christie'sAN ELAMITE GREEN STONE CYLINDER SEAL CIRCA 3000 B.C. With the figure of a striding bull, head raised, with large curling horns and dotted eyes, a stylized flowering tree in front, two conjoined scrolling lines in the field 1 in. (2.5 cm.) high389
Persian ArtifactsMesopotamian GodsClay MoldsTexture ToolsCradle Of CivilizationCylinder SealAncient Near EastWet SuitUniversity Of ChicagoPersian Artifacts143
Sumerian LanguageGem DecorationsHorned HeaddressAncient BabylonAncient BeadsEgyptian KingsCylinder SealAncient JewelleryAncient MesopotamiaA KASSITE RED, GREEN AND GREY AGATE CYLINDER SEAL , CIRCA 14TH-13TH CENTURY B.C. | Christie'sCIRCA 14TH-13TH CENTURY B.C.37
Delusional JealousyGoddess IshtarMoon GodCylinder SealAncient PersianBeautiful ObjectsAfrican Trade BeadsAncient Egyptian ArtAncient JewelryNeo-Assyrian ‘Ishtar of Arbela’ Cylinder Seal, 9th-8th Century BCMade of red and white layered agate depicting a worshipper before the goddess Ishtar of Arbela. She is in her warrior aspect, which is indicated by her striding right leg protruding from an overskirt...96
Queen PuabiSumerian ArtCradle Of CivilizationCylinder SealAncient MesopotamiaFamily UnitsUniversity Of MinnesotaHistorical ArtMesopotamiaCylinder Seal of Queen PuabiThis seal was found by Puabi's right arm inside her grave. The seal depicts a banquet/feast scene, in two horizontal registers; one of the typical themes of the Early Dynastic III seals. The upper register...34
Penn MuseumCylinder SealMesopotamiaSealsStampHistoryQuick SavesArtOnline CollectionsImages - 43-29-121 - Cylinder Seal | Collections30