Hats Off Party ThemeLadies Day Event IdeasChristian Ladies Retreat ThemesWomen’s Gathering IdeasWomen Luncheon IdeasThemes For Women's EventsHat Themed Party IdeasMothers Day Theme IdeasTopic Writing IdeasHats Off Party Event ThemeI recently shared with you some "hat" topic writing ideas, and I have some followers interested in the "hats"366
Julia Bettencourt DevotionalsJulia Bettencourt Women's Ministry ThemesJulia Bettencourt Women's MinistryJulia BettencourtWomens Ministry EventsO Taste And SeeFlip Flop CraftPrayer StationsPhotography ThemesLaundry Event Theme8
Door Prize IdeasJulia BettencourtChocolate Scented CandlesHot Cocoa Bar SignBaking BasketChocolate SpoonsChocolate PartyFood StationsValentine's Day PartyChocolate Party Event ThemeI thought I was done reposting all the Valentine's Day party themes, but I thought I'd add in the Chocolate an69
Julia Bettencourt Women's MinistryJulia BettencourtPretty Office SuppliesPretty OfficeDaily CalendarWomen's MinistryWomens MinistrySunday School LessonsCraft BagsWomen’s Ministry Shopping PicksThere are certain items I have always liked to use for women's ministry. I thought I'd share some of my picks3
Christian Writing PromptsJulia BettencourtChristian WritingMinistry IdeasWomen's MinistryWomens MinistryEvent ThemesCreative OutletDaily DevotionalFeminine Christian Writing PromptsI hope you are ready to do some writing! I have been working on revamping some of the women's ministry themes11
Encouragement ImagesBible Study ImagesEncouragement ActivitiesJulia BettencourtChristian HospitalityRetreat ThemesWomens Ministry EventsOne Word CaptionRetreat IdeasEncouragement Images for Women’s MinistryI have had an overwhelming response to the images and social sharing graphics that I have posted over the last40
Spring Brunch Theme IdeasSpring Womens Ministry IdeasLadies Spring Luncheon IdeasWomens Ministry Events DecorLadies Brunch ThemesLadies Social Event IdeasWomens Luncheon Ideas Table DecorationsSpring Fling Ideas For ChurchSpring Event ThemesSpring Event ThemesThere is nothing like holding a spring event. A newness is in the air. The flowers are blooming. The birds186
Ladies Banquet ThemesWomens Ministry Events ThemesBird Party ThemeWomens Group ActivitiesJulia BettencourtActivities DirectorRetreat ThemesWomens Ministry EventsThemed CenterpiecesBird Event ThemeBird Event Theme – Julia Bettencourt Blog3
Julia Bettencourt DevotionalsBucket List GiftThanksgiving DevotionsSenior Living ActivitiesThanksgiving WritingActivity DirectorFree Bible StudyBible DevotionsChristmas Gift GuideThanksgiving Writing IdeasI wanted to give you some writing ideas for Thanksgiving, but just hadn't had the chance. I was thinking abou14
Church Ladies Tea PartyScripture CookiesJulia BettencourtGirl Bible StudyWomens Ministry EventsChristian Women's MinistryConference ThemesFun FundraisersMeeting IdeasThrifting Event ThemeThrifting Event Theme – Julia Bettencourt Blog114