
23 Pins
We all want to look beautiful! With that said, it is very obvious we need good skin, hair and nails and most of us apply stuff topically to look good. We are...
Top 10 Beauty tips using apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar also known as ACV has numerous health benefits. But did you know that ACV can also be used for various beauty treatments? Today I will sharing some amazing beauty benefits of ACV. Skin Softener: ACV has moisturizing properties and it hydrates skin completely. Add 2-3 tbsp of organic ACV in your bath tub to get moisturized skin. It can be a very good skin softener. It will also relive you from itchy skin. Treat Sunburn: You can also treat sunburn using apple cider vinegar....
27 Organizing Hacks
27 Organizing Hacks - it's almost the new year (Happy 2016!), and it's the perfect time to reevaluate how things are stored and organized. Here are 27 amazing tips and tricks to start off a clutter-free new year!
How to Stay Inspired Everyday [Infographic]
Finding inspiration every day is very important. Here are some tips on how you can wake up every morning feeling huge amounts of inspiration :) #inspirational
Do Dishes, Rake Leaves: The Wisdom of the Ancient Homemakers | Lion’s Roar
10 tips for a Mindful Home, Karen Maezen Miller, Do Dishes, Rake Leaves, Lion's Roar, Buddhism, Shambhala Sun, Wake With the Sun, Sit, Make your bed, Empty the hampers, Wash your bowl, Rake the leaves, Eat when hungry, Let the darkness come, Sleep when tired
DIY Foot Scrubs – 20 Recipes To Pamper Your Tired Feet
Summer is here. The beach, the pool, the picnics and not to mention the long drives to the middle of nowhere await you. Time to ramp up the style! Pull out the short shorts and tiny skirts. Team them up with those beloved flip flops and sandals.