Fluorite is renowned for its kaleidoscopic of colors, ranging from saturated hues to pastel tones. It is believed to refocus the mind by eliminating distractions and promoting mental clarity. Further purported benefits include the absorption of negative energy, the reduction of stress levels, the enhancement of self-confidence, improved cognitive performance, and more accurate decision-making. This necklace is handmade with a natural, smooth polished fluorite crystal in your choice of color. The Gold Drop Crystal Necklace With Gemstone, Celestial Amethyst Gold Jewelry, Iridescent Teardrop Gemstone Jewelry, Multicolor 14k Gold Filled Necklaces As Gift, Multicolor 14k Gold Filled Necklace For Gifts, Iridescent Gemstone Necklace For Healing, Gift Multicolor 14k Gold Filled Necklaces, Iridescent Teardrop Necklace For Gifts, Multicolor Teardrop Spiritual Jewelry