Christmas Day Promotion 40% off. Prepare gift for wife and girlfriend. ⭐️This bag is handmade of genuine leather and simple design and is really functional. ⭐️Simple and stylish mother-and-child bag. The large bag, without any pockets, can be closed with a button. The inside zipper bag can be used as a Cosmetic bag or a small bag for your all small stuff. This bag has modern design and is really functional. It can be used as Leather plait Tote Bag, Leather Slouchy Bag, Hobo Bag, Shoulder Bag, Outside Bag, Large handbag, Shopping Bag for Women, Girl. This tote bag is extremely light, the leather is ultra soft. The bag can be used for work, school, shopping, holiday and traveling, this bag do not large like other bags but it can put all your needs in daily life. ⭐️This handbag bag is extremely trendy. The bag can be used for work, leisure, shopping, holiday and traveling, and can put all your needs in daily life. ⭐️Size: width: 13.80 inch, Height : 11.02 inch, depth: 6.3 inch ⭐️Design: main pocket, and Separable zipper bag Simple design, but it can keep your 13.3 inch laptop, tablet, phone, passport, air ticket, business cards, pen and lipstick, perfume, tissue, glasses, watch and so on, in just one leather tote bag. You no longer need to worry about messy workbenches and files you can't find. This will greatly improve your work efficiency and and make your work more enjoyable. At the same time, organize the small things in life that need to be carried at any time to facilitate daily travel. It will be a unique and perfect gift for a work colleague, business client, or a recent college graduate on the important days such as graduation, new career, birthday, anniversary or Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas and worth commemorating moment! Production Time: Usually, it will take 2-3 days to your bag, though the time is a little long, but the quality is worth to wait. About Delivery: -Standard shipping: 7-12 business days to delivery after shipping out -Expedited shipping: 3-5 business days to delivery. Note: Your phone number is required for successful delivery. About After-sales: If you have any quality problems, please feel free to contact us, we will give you a rational solution, if not quality problems, you need to return or refund, then you need to bear the return shipping fee.