Fun and flirty makeup brush holder declares "you're like really pretty" each time your get ready to face the world fabulously. It will be a beautiful addition to your vanity, dresser or bathroom that's perfect for holding your makeup brushes, toothbrush, or mascara in cute style. This white with flashy gold holder will add positive vibes to your routine.Product Details","sku":"810433579","isComboProduct":"false","specifications":"Product dimensions: 3.5"L x 3.25"W x 5.0"H","Material: Ceramic","features":"Decorative makeup brush holder white with gold type and heart","Complementary message of "you're like really pretty" in metallic gold","Holds your makeup brushes, toothbrush, hair brushes or mascara"},"deliveryReturnPolicies":{"title":"Delivery & Return Policies","returnPolicy":"If you wish to return your online order, please visit your order history to start the return process. If you have any issues, contact our Customer Care Support Center at 1-866-BIG-LOTS (244-5687) for assistance with making your return. Please be prepared to provide your order number and email address, or your rewards number, so that we may better assist you.For return terms, see our full Returns Policy.","deliveryInfo":{"deliveryQuestionsText":"Delivery questions? For more info, visit our","deliveryQuestionsLinkAddr":"help-faq_N-4005127926","deliveryQuestionsLinkText":"Delivery FAQs."}},"ratingsAndReviews":{"title":"Customer Reviews","isEnabled":"true","reviewCount":"3","averageRating":"5.0","apiKey":"69f0c329-ccee-4fc6-90ba-072483997c4b","locale":"en_US","merchantGroupId":"49914","merchantId":"54858","pageId":"810433579","pageIdVariant":"810433579","reviewWrapperUrl":"https:ui.powerreviews.comstablestandalone.4.0.html?__;!!NlL3gfXN!_PFtTzIaxdiG494ctkuKHifqxg4nbuQSEHc4tMYq3GNMwdlb_JAX9TvodP8uI6c0qFl-UqB0QfCOrbkszCgG$