
Why (& How) IPL Could Save Test Cricket

Marylebone Cricket Club, one of cricket’s august organizations, recently organized World Cricket Connects, a symposium about the future of a sport that — like so many things — finds itself caught between tradition and tomorrow. Test cricket, the traditional form of the game, is giving way to an onslaught of franchises offering up T20 cricket, a much faster and higher-scoring version. This change is best exemplified by the growth of the Indian Premier League (IPL). 

At this point, everyone who is anyone in cricket has weighed in on the challenges the game is facing. Some have come up with out of the box suggestions to save it. In such a rapidly changing environment, any new proposal is and should be considered a credible suggestion — with the exception, I would argue, of denying the inevitable and blindly clinging to the past. 

While I was not asked to

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Obsessions vs Hobbies

hobby: a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation

obsession: a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling

Sunday is my day for hobbies. I am either editing photos and putting together a collection to share, or engaging with another hobby of mine: fountain pens. At the start of every month, I pick a few from my collection, clean the ones I have been using to store them, and ink the ones I want to use for the next month.

Since I journal every day, having a few pens inked and ready to go is very convenient. It also helps me clear out my collection. I was getting a bit too obsessed with fountain pens, enough for me to make adjustments.

The line between obsession and a hobby is so fine, not very different from the fine line between madness and genius. And unless

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