Modern Abstract EmbroideryJapanese Slow StitchingEmbroidery Modern ArtShashiko Embroidery QuiltShashiko Embroidery MendingFree Sashiko PatternsTextile Art Techniques TutorialsJapanese Embroidery DesignsJapanese Fabric Patterns29 Japanese Embroidery Ideas And Techniques - meshthread.comJapanese embroidery ideas and techniques to try something a little different and learn about a different culture.4.1k
Flower Machine Embroidery DesignsEmbroidery LessonsHand Embroidery Patterns FlowersFloral Embroidery PatternsHand Embroidery VideosBorder Embroidery DesignsEmbroidery WorksPola SulamHand Embroidery FlowersJapanese Embroidery Lesson in Tokyo每次都有很多驚喜,同學們的作品都讓我大開眼界,學習了很多!我也在努力中,今次我的主題當然是我家中的皇后 Mocha,每次我們外遊,心裡都好掛念Mocha,所以我便將Mocha帶進遊樂場裡作為我今個刺繡作品的主題。這個作品的圖樣看似簡單,但每一個位置都很仔細,好有挑戰性!希望我能在11月17日老師來香港之前能夠完成,目標為本!!這些都是在我身後屏風上的刺繡,不知要刺繡多少小時、日、月呢?貓咪在四季都是懶洋洋地睡覺啊!12種不同型態的兔子成為每小時的特色7月時看見老師正在為學生設計這2幅圖案,想不到今天可以欣賞到差不多完成的刺繡,太可愛了!太美了吧!!同學的完成作品同學已完成刺繡和服上裝飾用的寬腰帶後面部份,老師正為同學設計前面部份這幅是一位男同學的作品,他用了一年時間刺繡這幅,這個一套共有5個作品合成一幅另一位同學的設計圖,她很特別地用櫻花作為魚鱗的一部份,並用水彩繪畫了2個色調作為參考,再配用日本絲線,她在布料上也特別設計了多個顏色,然後由日本的專業染布師染製老師正為同學設計圖樣放在和服上1k
Cat At NightPdf Pattern EmbroideryBoro StitchingAnimal Cross StitchCat EmbroideryPattern CatSashiko EmbroideryFat CatModern CatCat At Night226
Japanese Embroidery DesignsJapanese Sashiko EmbroideryShashiko Embroidery Patterns FreeSashiko CirclesJapanese Embroidery Sashiko PatternEmbroidery Inspiration ClothingModern SashikoJapanese NeedleworkJapanese StitchingJapanese Embroidery Designs226
Sashiko Star PatternShashiko Embroidery DenimSashiko Embroidery Patterns FreeSashiko Embroidery PatternsBoro EmbroideryJapanese Embroidery PatternsSashiko ProjectsSashiko TutorialJapanese Traditional Art25 Sashiko Embroidery Patterns To Try – Needle Work25 Sashiko Embroidery Patterns To Try – Needle Work #sashiko #sashikoembroidery #freesashikopatterns150
Fabric Christmas Ornaments DiyPatterns FabricChristmas Ornaments DiySashiko EmbroideryPola SulamCreative EmbroideryFabric OrnamentsSewing Embroidery DesignsFabric Christmas OrnamentsFabric Christmas Ornaments Diy24k
Linen PatchworkBoro SashikoJapanese BoroBoro StitchingSashiko PatternStitch PatchJapanese PatchworkSashiko EmbroideryJapanese EmbroideryJapanese Boro Sashiko, Slow Stitch Patch, Hand Sewn From Natural Recycled Fabrics Linen. Patchwork Application.slow Stitched Art Piece... - Etsy SwedenSashiko and Japanese Boro, hand-embroidered with cotton yarn on natural fabric - linen. Unique, full of charm, inspired by Japanese aesthetics. This beautifully decorated piece of fabric can be used in your work to decorate them. Size: Width approx. 13.5 cm /5.31 in. height approx. 13.5 cm/5.31 in. Wheel diameter approx. 5.2 cm /2.04 in. The linen fabric used, does not have a perfect surface. This is not its defect. My works are done in rooms free from tobacco smoke. Please note that actual…816
Sashiko Patternنباتات منزليةSashiko EmbroideryPola KristikPola SulamJapanese Embroidery자수 디자인Hand Embroidery StitchesHand Embroidery PatternsSashiko Pattern2.3k
Types Of Embroidery StitchesHaute Couture EmbroideryCouture EmbroideryHand Embroidery ProjectsTypes Of EmbroideryJapanese EmbroideryTraditional WeavingHand Embroidery PatternSewing Embroidery DesignsTypes Of Embroidery Stitches15
Year Of EmbroideryYumiko HiguchiCactus EmbroideryEmbroidered GiftsBrazilian EmbroideryJapanese EmbroideryEmbroidery MotifsJapanese CraftsApplique PatternsDIY Floral & Cactus Embroidery Projects from A Year of Embroidery (Design*Sponge)I’ve always been interested in various forms of art, but I’ve never dabbled in sewing or embroidery. Something about those two crafts has always intimidated me, so I’ve never dared to try my hand at t84