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There Once Was A Ship That Put To SeaShips Passing In The NightThe WellermanNathan EvansOld Sea CaptainSea ShantyMixed FamiliesSea ShantiesRights And ResponsibilitiesThe viral ‘Wellerman’ sea shanty is also a window into the remarkable cross-cultural whaling history of Aotearoa New ZealandThe whaling story behind ‘Soon May the Wellerman Come’ reminds us of the crucial connections between Māori and Europeans that shaped early 19th century settlement.3
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Sea ShantyWhale SongSea ShantiesVictorian TimesGustave DoreOn A BoatAncient TimesLarge PicturePilgrimageEveryone’s Singing Sea Shanties (or Are They Whaling Songs?) (Published 2021)Hauling sail into 2021 like “soon may the Wellerman come …”14
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