Consider a quantum particle in a box (everything one dimensional, for simplicity). The box is isolated from everything else. We could not measure simultaneously the particle's position and momentum, because they are complementary variables,
$$[x,p] = i\hbar$$.
Since the system particle+box is isolated from everything else, we could say that it has a well defined total momentum $p+P$, where $P$ is the momentum of the box.
Despite the absolute position $x$ being incompatible with the total momentum $p+P$, if we consider the box coordinates as quantum variables, $[X,P] =i\hbar$, the relative position $x-X$ commutes with $p+P$, i.e.,
$$ [x-X,p+P] = 0. $$
If we consider the quantities $x-X$ and $p+P$ are the actual particle properties, defined up to reference frame variables. They are compatible so they could be simultaneously measured. It does not hurt the complementary principle, since they are well defined up to values $(X,P)$ that are complementary. We can't get rid of complementarity, but it seems that it got swept away by the reference frame coordinates.
My question is: Can we think about the complementarity of particle properties as a consequence of assuming that we have a Classical reference frame?
If we assume that $Q,P$ are classical variables and $Q=P=0$, the quantities $x-X$ and $p+P$ reduces to $x,p$, which are complementary. What if the problem of complementary is to assume a classical reference frame in first place?
If the answer is yes, I have a related question:
The box is arbitrary stuff. It can be the whole universe. In this sense, everything inside the universe would have well defined properties, up to universal variables $(X,P)$ that are the only complementary variables. Could we sweep away complementarity to universe, to recover everything else as well defined relative quantities?
After the Confuse-ray30 answer and arguments, I decided to clarify some points:
- The idea of a box is no central to my argument. I thought about it being the laboratory or something like that, but what is central is the idea of a reference frame. It is not really constraining the particle, or interacting with it. I think this point also could clarify some controversy that emerged in Agnius Vasiliauskas answer, about $x$ being or not a function of $X$.
- As liangre pointed out, the variables $x-X$ and $p+P$ lose properties of conjugated variables, like $p+P$ not being the generator of position translations. But in my point of view it was expected, since they commute, so they have simultaneous values. The point is that they could be regarded as particle properties not being subjected to complementarity.
- As I said in the comments, I'm not arguing against the uncertainty principle. I'm just curious if this could be regarded as a property of the reference frame instead of the particle being measured. It is not a new interpretation of QT either. I thought that both "yes" or "no" could be interesting answers for this question, which turns it worth to be asked.