Welcome to Gossip Harbor 🌊 Follow Quinn Castillo as her picture perfect life on Brimwave Island crumbles around her. Divorce, sabotage and secrets. Help answer the question everyone's thinking: Who's trying to ruin her life? Merge flavorful dishes, restore and decorate Quinn's restaurant and watch the mystery unfold. But who can you trust in Brimwave?
Whip Up Tasty Dishes🥪 Serve coffee, sandwiches, seafood, and a range of other dishes, to your customers. The more you play, the more dishes you’ll find to add to your menu!
Restore the Restaurant🧰 Rebuild and design the best beach restaurant around! Choose the flooring, wallpaper and furniture to restore restaurant to its former glory!
Build Relationships💞 Converse with customers and hang out with old friends. Or explore the possibility of a new budding romance.
Catch up on the Gossip🤫 You'll renovate and merged to reveal clues, and uncover hidden secrets of the residents on Brimwave Island. And perhaps even unveil the Castillo's hidden secrets…
Enjoying Gossip Harbor? Learn more about the game on our Facebook Fan Page! https://www.facebook.com/GossipHarbor
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3.12.2024 г.
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16 септември 2024 г.
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6 мај 2024 г.
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14 април 2024 г.
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Што има ново
NEW EPISODE EVERY FRIDAY! - NEW EPISODE: With new chapter updates every Friday; follow Quinn as she exposes secrets and solves puzzles. - NEW EVENT:Somewhere deep in the snow, Santa has a secluded base, and Olivia is determined to find it! Join her, Quinn and Amala as they uncover its secrets!