Like Aani Subscribe presents a gripping youth-centric narrative set in the world of social media. The story follows Khushi, a young vlogger and aspiring actress, whose life takes a shocking turn when she accidentally records a dead body on camera. This event sets off a chain of unexpected consequences, drawing her and those around her into a complex murder mystery. As the truth unravels, the story introduces key characters, including Rohit aka Rohidas (Amey Wagh), Deepika (Amruta Khanvilkar), Ravi (Shubhankar Tawade), Faizal (Vitthal Kale), Dadasaheb (Shrikant Yadav), Bipin (Shivraj Waichal), Shruti (Rajasi Bhave), and Inspector Sandip (Virat Madake). Directed by Abhishek Merukar, this thriller delves into the darker facets of ambition, social media, and the unexpected twists that change lives forever.