In this thrilling drama, a high-stakes poker game among childhood friends takes a dark twist when the billionaire host, played by Russell Crowe, reveals his elaborate scheme for revenge against his old friends for their betrayals. As the tension escalates, the night takes an even more perilous turn when thieves break into the venue. Forced to band together, the friends must navigate a harrowing night of terror, survival, and unexpected alliances. With its blend of suspense and high-stakes drama,
Sidney Thaxter
A high-stakes poker game between childhood friends takes a turn when the billionaire host (Crowe) unveils his elaborate plan to get revenge for their betrayals. But when thieves break in, they band together to survive a night of terror.
Bettie Park
Poker Face is a weird movie that's hard to figure out. It's got a lot of twists and turns, but it doesn't always make sense. Some of the characters are interesting, but others are a bit boring. It's definitely not a typical thriller, but it might be interesting for people who like slow-burn, atmospheric movies.