Fireplace Dentil MoldingFireplace With Dental MoldingDentil Moulding FireplaceFireplace MoldingFireplace BoxDental MoldingDentil MoldingFireplace TrimWooden MantelFireplace Dentil MoldingSalvaged pine fireplace mantel, classic design adorned with dentil molding, modern construction69
Wood Paneling Behind FireplaceMantel Molding IdeasFireplace Trim Ideas Moldings BrickFireplace With MouldingDiy Fireplace OvermantleWood Fireplace Mantel SurroundLarge Painting Above FireplaceFireplace Trim Ideas Moldings WoodMantle Surround IdeasFireplace UpdateFollow this DIY tutorial for a beautiful fireplace update. Includes detailed instructions with pictures to to build an Overmantle with wood moldings.4.4k
Renovation ApartmentWarm Grey Paint ColorsMid Century RemodelWarm Gray PaintFireplace Mantel DesignsClassic FireplaceMantel DesignRevere PewterGrey Paint ColorsWood Room: The Paint - The MakeristaHome of Harriet Maxwell McDonald via Elle Decor This month has been such a blur for great and tragic reasons. September is filled with birthdays, Xander’s was last week and mine was Sunday anniversaries, ours was yesterday and lots of activity and excitement with the school year really kicking into gear. While so much has been good, last week my dear friend’s 11-month old daughter had heart surgery and didn’t make it through the surgery. Jane spent much of her life in the hospital, but she…2.2k
Diy Traditional Fireplace MantleWood Panel Fireplace MakeoverWood Fireplace Mantel SurroundTraditional Fireplace MantelsMantel Makeover DiyFireplace Mantle TraditionalTraditional Fireplace MakeoverPaint Fireplace MantleFireplace Trim Ideas MoldingsDIY Fireplace Makeover Part One: Updating Mantel MoldingsWe are starting our DIY fireplace makeover!. Come see and get some ideas for your project. We are adding shiplap and other simple details to update it.10
Colonial Home FireplaceTumbled Marble Tile FireplaceMore Than One Mirror In Living RoomClassic Living Room With FireplaceVictorian Fireplace OvermantleMarble Chimney Living RoomsFormal Dining Room FireplaceMarble Surround FireplaceClassic Fireplace IdeasFireplaces — Charles Hilton ArchitectsThe central feature of many living spaces designed by Charles Hilton Architects is an exquisite fireplace.3.2k
Change FireplaceFireplace TrimFireplace RedoFireplace UpdateFireplace Built InsThe MantleWhite FireplaceПрикроватные ТумбочкиFireplace SurroundTHE FOX GROUP - Project Photos & Reviews - Salt Lake City, UT US | HouzzThe Fox Group - Salt Lake City, UT, US 84108 | Houzz111
Fireplace Molding TrimMantle Trim IdeasDental Moulding FireplaceDentil Moulding FireplaceClassic Fireplace Mantle1950 FireplaceColonial Fireplace IdeasFireplace Trim Ideas Moldings90s Fireplace MakeoverBefore & After: A Fireplace Wall Upgrade at White Cape Cottage | Beginning in the MiddleThe first project at my parents’ house is finished! We spent the past 2 weeks updating the living room, and we’re so happy with how it all turned out. This post is sponsored by Lowe’s. The fireplace wall is one of the first things you see when you enter the house. It felt dark and ... Read More about Before & After: A Fireplace Wall Upgrade at White Cape Cottage103
Transitional Fireplaces IdeasFireplace And Wall IdeasFireplace Wall Board And BattenDiy Board And Batten Fireplace WallBuilt In Tv Above FireplaceFireplace Makeover With StepFireplace Makeover Accent WallWood Panel Above FireplaceWoodwork Above FireplaceEasy Fireplace SurroundWe did it all. Built the fireplace mantel, tiled the surround and created an accent wall. Head over to the blog for the full tutorial.1.8k
Fireplace At End Of WallDining Room PanelingDesign CaminoFireplace Mantel DesignsFireplace Built InsFireplace Mantel DecorFarmhouse FireplacePiano RoomFireplace RemodelFireplace At End Of Wall2.2k
Traditional Fireplaces And MantelsPainted Fireplace MantlesFireplace Makeover Tile ModernUpdated Fireplace MantleFireplace Granite SurroundTransitional Fireplace MakeoverTransitional Fireplace MantleFireplace Mantle Painting IdeasMarble Tile Fireplace Wall5 Amazing Inexpensive & Easy Fireplace Remodel Transformations — DESIGNEDHere's some simple changes you can make to a fireplace with just paint, wall finishes, and the tile surround. It can make a huge difference in updating the look.612