Venus DogwoodWhite Dogwood TreeSmall Ornamental TreesTrees For Front YardDogwood TreeIndoor TreesDogwood TreesFront YardsOrnamental TreesGot a Tiny Yard? You Can Still Grow These Totally Gorgeous TreesTiny backyards are no match for these showstoppers.869
White Kousa Dogwood TreeChinese Dogwood TreeKousa Dogwood Tree LandscapingJapanese Dogwood TreeVenus Dogwood TreeAtlanta LandscapingDogwood Tree LandscapingKousa Dogwood TreeLake DeckHow to Grow and Care for Kousa DogwoodThe kousa dogwood is a tree that’s incredibly beautiful, and it resists pest infestations as well as disease. Learn how to cultivate it on Gardener’s Path.164
White Flowering Dogwood TreeChinese Dogwood TreeSmall Dogwood TreeDogwoods In LandscapeKousa Dogwood Tree LandscapingVenus Dogwood TreeDogwood Trees In LandscapingDogwood VarietiesDogwood Tree Landscaping12 Beautiful Dogwood Trees and ShrubsDogwood (Cornus spp.) trees and flowering shrubs come in many species and varieties. Here are 12 common dogwoods for your yard.203
Korean PlantsKousa Dogwood TreeKousa DogwoodFlower CombinationsCornus KousaBeach PlumDogwood TreeWinter LeavesPlanting IdeasCornus kousa China Girl (Korean Dogwood)"Cornus kousa China Girl has large bracts, great autumn colour and good sized fruits. Plants as small as 40-60cm are capable of setting flower buds making this an ideal garden tree that exhibits lots of interest. The flowers of the Cornus kousa China Girl are borne in abundance in early spring and the foliage turns vivid colours by autumn. It will not thrive in alkaline soils and it is best only to plant on ground with a ph less than 7 and to avoid waterlogged or compacted soils."122
Kousa Dogwood TreeDogwood ShrubPagoda DogwoodKousa DogwoodGolden Rain TreeCornus KousaFringe TreeFlowering DogwoodTrees For Front YardGrow Dogwood Trees and Add Beauty to Your Landscape Almost Year-RoundAvailable in many colors, shapes, and sizes, dogwood trees add beauty to the landscape for most of the year.2
Ornamental Trees LandscapingKousa DogwoodCornus KousaTrees For Front YardSpecimen TreesDogwood TreesFront LandscapingHave InspirationFront Yard Landscaping DesignOrnamental Trees LandscapingImage Gallery satomi dogwood120
White Kousa Dogwood TreeWhite Dogwood Tree LandscapesCornus Florida DogwoodChinese Dogwood TreeDogwood Bush ShrubsKousa Dogwood Tree LandscapingDogwood Landscape IdeasPagoda Dogwood TreeJapanese Dogwood TreeCornus Kousa: Beautiful tree for the landcapeThe Cornus Kousa is a spectacular non-native tree both as an accent in the garden or as an understory tree. Its spectacular blooms and elegant horizontal branches makes it a beautiful addition to any backyard landscape. Plant it alongside our native Cornus Florida and Redbuds to create a magical ga250
Scarlet Fire DogwoodKousa Dogwood TreeFire TreeKousa DogwoodCornus KousaPlantain LilyLady's MantleFlowering Cherry TreeFuchsia FlowersCornus kousa Scarlet Fire (Kousa Dogwood)Prized for its unique, rich fuchsia flowers, Cornus kousa Scarlet Fire (Kousa Dogwood) is a small deciduous tree with four seasons of interest.3
Dogwood Tree LandscapingKousa Dogwood TreeMidwest GardeningCottage LandscapingKousa DogwoodLandscaping PatioCornus KousaGrowing GardenDogwood TreeLook what I found: Cornus KousaWe have another dogwood! This one's not a native - it's a Kousa Dogwood, also known as a Japanese Flowering Dogwood. This looks like a flower, but it's actually a bract. Now - in most cases, I prefer native plants. They're better suited to the local environment, they're usually more pest resistant than exotic plants, and they provide valuable shelter for local wildlife. However, I'm not one of those people who insists on only having native plants, so I won't be digging up this lovely tree…95
Kousa Dogwood TreeTree With White FlowersKousa DogwoodWhite Flowering TreesHolly ShrubCornus KousaFast Growing ShrubsDogwood TreeFlowering TreeKousa Dogwood Care: Tips For Growing Kousa Dogwood TreesWhen looking for an attractive specimen tree for their landscaping design, many homeowners go no further when they come upon the Kousa dogwood. Read here to get tips for growing Kousa dogwood trees.7