Summer Bucket List For KidsLaundry ShootSpot BooksSweet CarolinaCatching FirefliesBook CasesSecret PassagewaysReading SpotMarket IdeasStarlight and Cicadas in North Carolina | Our StateYou’re never too old to get swept up in the magic of a summer night in North Carolina.18
Catching LightningLightening BugsLighting BugsLightning BugsCatching FirefliesMountain ParkGood OleClassic KidsIn A JarCatching LightningSummer evenings19
Memories Last ForeverFireflies In A JarCatching FirefliesFeeling NostalgicSummer BreezeSweet MemoriesThe Good Old DaysTimeline PhotosFireflyI'm Feeling Nostalgic added a new... - I'm Feeling NostalgicI'm Feeling Nostalgic. 51,194 likes · 234 talking about this. nos·tal·gi·a (n-stlj, n-) n. 1. A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.4
Lightening BugsLighting BugsFireflies In A JarCatching FirefliesCanning JarsMason Jar LampDo You RememberThe Good Old DaysFireflyone last...It's nearly the end of firefly season and it takes twice as long to catch half as many. I set up early and thoroughly (you can see the chalk outline on the stool). I took three 30 second exposures as soon as I walked in the door. The first one was the best. Next year we work on the noise issues...4.8k
Lightning Bug WallpaperFirefly Field AestheticFireflies In The WoodsFire Fly LightsFire Flies PhotographyFirefly Aesthetic WallpaperField Of FirefliesFirefly Forest PaintingCatching Fireflies AestheticLightning Bug Wallpaper38
Fireflies ArtLighting BugsFirefly ArtCatching FirefliesSummer Bucket ListsFireflySummer NightsAt NightHuman SilhouetteFireflies ArtIn the short run, there are two types of people who live in darkness, those who are desperate to emerge and those who are desperate to stay. When you finally realize that part of the reason you chose this lifetime was to shine your light for the first type, you'll stop worrying about what the second type thinks of you. Shine your little heart out, The Universe20
Catching Fireflies AestheticBea AestheticFirefly AestheticWoven KingdomZiggy BermanFire FliesLighting BugsLetting Them GoLightning BugsCatching Fireflies AestheticLightning bug friend :)210
هاكونا ماتاتاFireflyCountry LifeMother NatureMake Me SmileSummer TimeAt NightSummer VibesBugsهاكونا ماتاتاFireflies or Lightning bugs OR Lampyridae is a family of insects in the beetle order Coleoptera. They are winged beetles, and commonly called fireflies or lightning bugs for their conspicuous crepuscular use of bioluminescence to attract mates or prey. Fireflies produce a "cold light", with no infrared or ultraviolet frequencies. This chemically produced light from the lower abdomen may be yellow, green, or pale red, with wavelengths from 510 to 670 nanometers.42