Swamp KingdomMyth DrannorRpg CityElven CityPathfinder MapsFantasy CitiesFantasy City MapVillage MapRpg WorldMythdrannor - RpgmkeMythdrannor - Rpgmke32
Myth DrannorRuins DrawingCastle HomeLocation InspirationOver The Garden WallFantasy PlacesFantasy Concept ArtFantasy InspirationFantasy LandscapeMyth Drannor192
Rpg WorldSpider QueenRuined CityFantasy World MapWorld BuildingForgotten RealmsTown MapD D MapsFantasy MapVolo's Guide - Myth Drannor, City of Song19
Elf CityElven CityNorse MythForgotten RealmsFantasy CityFantasy CastleFantasy SettingFantasy PlacesGandalfElf CityOnce a great fortress of Cendriane, Mithrendain has blossomed into a beautiful eladrin forest-city whose buildings seem to grow naturally around the trees. The city’s name is derived from the elf phrase “wall of the fortress,” but the word has become synonymous with the beauty and longevity of the eladrin. Mithrendain is a beautiful city resplendent with soaring towers and graceful architecture. In addition to its proper name, Mithrendain is often referred to as the Autumn City, since most…22
Skyrim Concept ArtElder Scrolls ArtConcept Art WorldElder Scrolls OnlineGame EnvironmentMysterious PlacesThe Elder ScrollsGame Concept ArtFantasy AdventureElden Root Concept Art image - Elder Scrolls OnlineView the ModDB Elder Scrolls Online image Elden Root Concept Art7
Elven Forest AestheticFantasy AltarElven CityGreek Goddess ArtFantasy ForestFantasy CityFantasy CastleFantasy PlacesFantasy MapElven Forest Aesthetic106
Elven TreeElven CityWood ElfForgotten RealmsFantasy PlacesTall TreesWizards Of The CoastEnvironment DesignFantasy LandscapeHigh ForestThe High Forest, also known as the Great Everwood,[1] was a remnant of the days of old, when all of Faerûn was covered in green and elves, giants and dragons ruled the world. The forest was a vast region of old forest growth bounded by the Nether Mountains in the north and the High Moor to the south. To the west was found the Evermoors and to the east the vast desert of Anauroch. The eastern border of the High Forest lay against Delimbiyr Vale[4][2] through which flows the Delimbiyr…55
Dragon MagazineForgotten RealmsTabletop GamesWriting InspirationGame ArtMagazineArtDragon Magazine, Issue 359 - Myth Drannor19
Realms AestheticJungle RuinsElven CityGeorge MacdonaldGeography MapAutodesk MayaForgotten RealmsCity Of LoveFandom GamesMyth DrannorMyth Drannor, formerly known as the city of Cormanthor (pronounced: /kɔːrˈmɑːnθɔːr/ kor-MANTH-or[14]), the City of Song,[4] or the City of Love among other names,[5] was the former capital city of Cormanthyr in the forest of Cormanthor.[1][13] It was considered by many to be the pinnacle of shared knowledge, culture, and civilization in Faerûn, as well a beacon of serenity and solidarity in the chaotic Realms.[5][15] For hundreds of years after the Weeping War, Myth Drannor languished as…14
Myth DrannorCartographers GuildFantasy City MapForgotten RealmsD D MapsFantasy CityFantasy SettingFantasy MapFantasy AestheticNuln city map - Warhammer fantasy, Jan PodlaskoHandrawn map of Nuln, city from Warhammer Fantasy.84