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Sam Wilde on Instagram: "PART TWO People often ask me why I work with cardboard, I always tell them that it started when I couldn’t afford to buy toys for my kids, so I had to make them from whatever I had lying around, which is true, but it’s also about light switches… When I was 18 I had a girlfriend who loved the colour blue, her entire room was blue, the walls were blue, the book cases were blue, her clothes, everything, everything but her light switch. Her light switch was red. I remember looking at it one day and realising that light switches are amazing, you flick a switch and lo, your world fills with light.. it’s like… a magic trick and you don’t even have to say lumos! I remember thinking that our life’s are full of things like that, filled with all these… little everyday
Monkey mask, unpainted
Creating masks using cardboard. Monkey mask, unpainted | Flickr: Intercambio de fotos
Mira lo fácil que es convertirte en un dinosaurio utilizando cartón
carton pterodactilo 1
Para elaborar mascaras, antifaces, disfracez, etc con elementos reciclables y/o…