Mermaid Costumes
Need mermaid costume ideas for Halloween or other dress-up occasions? Fin Fun has gathered the best mermaid costume ideas around.
Discover mermaid halloween costumes for kids, adults, college students and everyone in between. From easy ways to create mermaid scales to mermaid-inspired Halloween makeup and DIY clamshell bras, Fin Fun will have you ready to party at Halloween or any time the mood strikes!
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Devil's Pitchfork to Mermaid's Trident: This craft only requires 3 things ??? a can of spray paint, glitter, and seashells. Just spray paint your pitchfork, then add embellishments, finish with glitter at the end of each spear, and your mermaid accessory is ready to go!
>Devil's Pitchfork to Mermaid's Trident: This craft only requires 3 things…