Community Fridge IdeasCommunity Food Pantry DesignCommunity Pantry IdeasCommunity Food PantryCommunity PantryBlessing BoxesFood Pantry DonationsCommunity FridgeCommunity ClosetMKE Community Fridge strives to fight food insecurityGive if you can and take what you need.222
Yellow FridgeCommunity PantryCommunity FridgeLittle Free PantryCommunity Service IdeasCommunity RoomFree PantryMutual AidDream CafeFood for needy, free of cost: Community fridge concept picks up in B’luruIn August 2017, Dr Issa Fathima Jasmine, an orthodontist from Chennai, made news when she set up a community fridge that provided free food to the needy. People104
Community FridgeLittle Free PantryCommunity Service IdeasVegetable StandPantry FridgeEco CityWoven WoodDiy Furniture RenovationEco LivingDundee West End Community FridgeWe opened the Community Fridge in July 2019 and save approx 70 Tonnes (7,000kg) surplus food from ending up landfill per year!236
Community FridgeLittle Free PantryFridge DesignMutual AidFood JusticeIntentional CommunityPantry FridgeFarm StoreFood Insecurity7 Ways to Meaningfully Stock Your Local Community FridgeWe consulted mutual aid experts for advice on how the community fridge works and what we should be contributing.140
Community Fridge IdeasCommunity Pantry IdeasCommunity Food Pantry IdeasSolarpunk CommunityCommunity Food PantryBake BusinessWhat Is A CommunityCommunity PantryCommunity FridgeThe rise of community fridgesYou might have noticed fridges popping up where you live. Here’s how they work.321
Community Fridge IdeasCommunity Cafe IdeasCommunity Garden IdeasCommunity RestaurantCommunity PantryBlessing BoxesCommunity FridgeCommunity CafeLittle Free PantryNYC & LA Now Have Community Fridges Where You Can "Take Some and Leave Some"! - Wooder IceNYC & LA Now Have Community Fridges Where You Can “Take Some and Leave Some”! In a climate where we’re seeing lots of changes in our communities, one change definitely […]1.1k
Pantry With FridgeCommunity PantryBlessing BoxesCommunity FridgeCommunity CafeFridge DimensionsLittle Free PantryFree PantryFridge ArtCommunity fridge project aims to bring free, fresh produce to north Calgary | CBC NewsA group of friends are raising money to build a community fridge in the north Calgary neighbourhood of Crescent Heights.170
Community Box IdeasCommunity Pantry IdeasMutual Aid IdeasCommunity Center IdeasCommunity Garden IdeasCommunity PantryBlessing BoxesCommunity FridgeLittle Free PantryCommunity Food FridgeCommunity Food Fridge197
Community Service AestheticCommunity PantryCommunity Project IdeasCommunity FridgeHomeless ProjectCommunity AestheticUnsleeping CityMuse BoardLittle Free PantryLA Community Fridges Spreading, Providing Food to People in NeedAngelenos have embraced the food sharing movement.146
Community Fridge IdeasCommunity FridgeFridge IdeasCommunity GardenCommunity OrganizingLower East SideOne Year AnniversaryFirst AnniversaryCommunity Gardening'Grassroots' mural brightens CommUnity Fridge at one-year anniversary - The Village SunBY BONNIE ROSENSTOCK | June 15 marked the first anniversary of the Loisaida CommUnity Fridge and Food Pantry on Ninth Street and the corner of…24