God CenteredChristian AffirmationsAffirmations For KidsAyat AlkitabAffirmations For WomenDaily Positive AffirmationsLife Quotes LoveMorning AffirmationsInspirational Artwork36 Transforming Christian + Positive Affirmations - Paisley & SparrowPositive and Christian affirmations can transform your day and turn negative thoughts into positive, God centered truths.5k
God AffirmationsManifestation PrayerI Am LovedChristian AffirmationsSpirit Of FearGratitude AffirmationsAffirmations For WomenDaily Positive AffirmationsCatholic QuotesPositive Affirmations • Called to Life CoachingPositive affirmations are good, but Christian affirmations are better. Let's start the day positive, proclaiming who we are and what we can do.757
Best AffirmationsWoord Van GodChristian AffirmationsAffirmations For KidsBible Study VersesBible Study NotesPrayer ScripturesInspirational PrayersChoose JoyTop 10 Daily AffirmationsTop 10 Daily Affirmations - The best affirmations are based in truth. The truth of who we are, what we have, what we do… We try to be sure that whatever we are affirming is based biblically. It may not be a direct quote from the Bible but we want it to be rooted in scripture.4.8k
Jabez PrayerChristian DeclarationsPrayer PointsDeliverance PrayersChristian AffirmationsProsperity And AbundanceMorning Prayer QuotesChristian Bible StudyBible Study LessonsPowerful Jabez Prayer Daily Positive Christian Declarations That’ll Inspire YOU!Daily Positive Christian declarations or affirmations are super important! In this blog post, I focus my declarations based on the Jabez prayer! I’ve discovered that daily christian affirmations are declarations are an an powerful tool for Christians to use when seeking God’s blessings, guidance, and protection. Click to read more.4.2k
Daily Affirmations BiblePositive Bible AffirmationsBiblical Self AffirmationsDaily Affirmations BiblicalMorning Bible AffirmationsBiblical Money AffirmationsMorning Declarations Daily AffirmationsMotivational Quotes For ChristiansBiblical Daily Affirmations7 Ways To Develop A Positive Mindset - The Graceful ChapterWith everything that happens in life, it can be difficult to be positive all the time. Here are some ways you can develop a positive mindset no matter what.7.9k
Scripture Based PrayersChristian Blessings ScripturesNight Time Christian AffirmationsScriptures For BlessingsMorning Bible AffirmationsHow To Start Your Morning With GodScriptures To Start Your DayFaith Based AffirmationsMorning Declarations Daily AffirmationsChristian Morning AffirmationsHow you start your day matters! In this post, I will be discussing the importance of a powerful morning prayer. Click to read!4.8k
Biblical AffirmationsEmotionally HealthyChristian AffirmationsBible Journal NotesA Morning RoutineGratitude AffirmationsAffirmations For WomenChristian Bible QuotesDaily Positive AffirmationsBiblical Affirmations1.2k
Daily Affirmations From GodScripture Who God Says I AmBible AethsteticTruths God Says About MePostive Afframations BibleBible Declarations ScripturesDaily Godly AffirmationsI Am Bible AffirmationsYou Say God Says52 Biblical Affirmations to Remind You of Who God Says You Are - Out Upon the WatersBiblical affirmations are a great way to secure God’s word in your heart and to remind yourself of who God says you are. You are loved. You are strong. And God has great plans for your life. Daily Biblical affirmations can help to strengthen your faith, build self-confidence, and turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts.… Read More »52 Biblical Affirmations to Remind You of Who God Says You Are1k
Christian Affirmations For KidsBible Journaling IdeasChristian AffirmationsA Child Of GodAffirmations For KidsChristian Bible StudyChristian Quotes GodAyat AlkitabBible Study LessonsBible verses | Facebook1
Dream Board ChristianFaith Based AffirmationsGodly Affirmations FaithDaily Affirmations For Christian WomanFaith Vision Board IdeasChristian Positive AffirmationsChristian Girl AffirmationsChristian Affirmations ScripturesPrayer Vision Board Ideas AestheticI bravely let go and allow God to reveal his beautiful plan for me.724