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How? - Decreelife
The questions we ask ourselves are important. They lead us to our next step. Asking “WHY” can lead to a never-ending loop, while replacing it with “HOW” can liberate us. Asking, “How can we…?” leads us to solutions that can propel us toward our goals.
Clothes - Decreelife
“Change your life, not just your clothes.” Joel 2:13 Wait! What?! What if we made a simple tweak to make us more comfortable in our own skin or be more congruent with how we see ourselves? Life tweaks can be simple. Making a change today.
Surprise - Decreelife
Surprise! What if all you’re going through ultimately surprises you and leads you to an incredible destination? …a life that is sweeter than anticipated. What if we realize the life we’ve always dreamed of, and it comes to us through an unexpected path? What if the challenges, shifts, and reprioritizations of life bring us to the place we needed to be all along? The one who holds our lives in His hands knows the plans that He has for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us. Plans to give
Celebrate - Decreelife
Celebrate! The celebrations today may look different. But they are paramount in our lives. No matter the size, the technology needed to connect, and no matter the potential delays, it is time to celebrate! Looking forward to celebrating a fun birthday this weekend!
Hard - Decreelife
We can do hard things! Life requires it. We have the power and fortitude. If it gets more than we can bear, we can lean on the exponential strength of God who increases our capacity and strengthens us to do more than we could have imagined. We can do this!