This is a printable for you to create your very own Bible Quiet Book! It contains 8 different pages (plus a front cover) and covers events in Exodus 2- Numbers 13. This is the second book in a series that I plan to create to cover the whole Bible. You can find Volume 1 in the series here: You can fine Volume 3 here: It comes in a color version as well as a black and white version. The pages included are: 1. Baby Moses -Match Moses's baby blanket to the correct pattern. 2. The Burning Bush -Put together the puzzle scene of Moses by the burning bush. 3. 10 Commandments -Match the number to the correct commandment *Each number shows a little bit of the picture inside of it to make it easier for little ones to match. I have also included a blacked out version that you may choose to use these with older children. *The pieces include the commandment written on the back for better understanding. 4. Clean and Unclean Animals - Sort the animals into the correct category by matching up their shadows. 5. High Priest's Garment - Match the color and shape of each gemstone. -Each gemstone has the name of a different son of Israel. Exodus 28:21 6. Golden Calf - Match the shadow to the golden pieces. 7. Aaron's rod -Match each blossom on Aaron's rod. 8. The 12 Spies - Count the grapes (1-10) These files may also be used to create file folder games, classroom activity worksheets, or crafts.