This TIBETAN BODHI MALA was Custom made from a Vintage Tibetan BODHI MALA , gathered by Shakti Travelers in early Nepal Travels in 1990's. . .it was old when we collected it. . .All the BEADS are of the original MALA. Added are an Old Tibetan Skull Bead ~ Bell/Dorje counters ~ Tassel. It's origin was an old Tibetan Shop selling Devotional Things. . it was in Kathmandu City in an area made famous by the Counter Culture Travelers in the 60's , called "Freak Street" . . it still has that name. In the Buddhist Spiritual tradition, the Bodhi Seed is a Very Sacred Bead . . .as the "Bodhi Tree" was the Place of The Buddha's Enlightment. . . and the Bodhi Seed Beads make a connection between the wearer and the Buddha Energy. SPECIFICS: TIBETAN BODHI MALA BODHI SEED VINTAGE PRAYER MALA ~ 108 BODHI SEED BEADS ~ HANDMADE ~ KATHMANDU, NEPAL. * LENGTH: 44 INCHES / 111.76 CM BEADS: HANDMADE ~ SIZE : 13 MM * The CUSTOM MADE BODHI MALA has been RE-NEWED for Strength and Durabilty ~BELL / DORJE COUNTERS (2) have been added * an OLD TIBETAN BONE SKULL BEAD has been added for the "GURU" Bead TASSEL has been added. . The POWER of intention for PROTECTION is held in these Devotional Beads . . .the Tibetan Buddhist People hava strong connection to their Prayer MALAS . . .using them daily with Mantras,and silent prayers. . .they collect and store Powerful Positive Energy. . In Sanscrit,BODHI means AWAKENED ONE. . .and the BUDDHA is called THE AWAKENED ONE. . . .An Ancestor of the original Bodhi Tree Stands in Great Majesty in a sacred area of the MAHABODHI Temple (The Mother Temple) in Bodhgaya .INDIA. . .Bodhgaya is the largest Pilgrimage Site for Buddhism in Asia. . . having been in the Presence of this Sacred Bodhi Tree in Bodhgaya, amongst the Devoted Buddhist, The Devotional and love Energy was prevalent throughout . This BODHI MALA is indeed a treasure, as truly they are becoming quite scarce. Shakti Travelers offers FREE SHIPPING (Domestic) USPS First Class + Tracking #. Any Shipping Upgrade is the responsibility of the Buyer, Gratefulness for your visit to our Shop. . .New Listings Added Continuously. Any QUESTIONS . . CONTACT ~ Saffron ~ Visit us on INSTAGRAM for Photos and Impressions of a Travel Life. @ kalicat23