》D E T A I L S《 ✦ M A T E R I A L : Straw ✦ S I Z E : Medium The hat has an adjustable band inside. ✦••✧••✦••✧••✦••✧••✦••✧••✦••✧••✦••✧••✦••✧••✦••✧••✦••✧••✦》✦ $•$•$ S A V E • B U Y • M O R E $•$•$ ✦《Use the code MARESIA2 and get 10% OFF when you buy 2 items.Use the code MARESIA3 and get 15% OFF when you buy 3 or more items.✦••✧••✦••✧••✦••✧••✦••✧••✦••✧••✦••✧••✦••✧••✦••✧••✦••✧••✦》 K E E P • I N • T O U C H 《Instagram: instagram.com/MARESIAJEWELRY @maresiajewelryFacebook…