The White Oak Tree, (Quercus alba) is a true American classic. This extremely long-lived, hardy tree can endure intense weather changes and has the potential to grow to amazing heights. With its distinctive silver-toned bark and large smooth foliage, the White Oak makes for a beautiful focal point addition to any landscape. The leaves display gorgeous red tones in the fall and broad green canopies in the warmer seasons. Reaching heights over 70 feet tall at a decently rapid growth rate, this oak species is a key player in a variety of landscape projects. The White Oak is native to central and eastern North America. Also sometimes referred to as the American White Oak, the adaptability of this keystone tree to a wide range of climates and conditions enhances its popularity throughout the United States. Ideal conditions for these oaks include full sun and low moisture levels once established. Some added benefits of these sizeable oaks include expansive shade coverage and the attraction and support of local wildlife. The acorns specifically act as a primary food source for wildlife ranging from birds to hoofed browsers. Additionally, the White Oak supports over 900 caterpillar species, making this tree essential to the life cycle of many native moth and butterflies.