Let's say my organization has a domain example.com
and a server running a recent version of Ubuntu with the name myserver.example.com
. Let's also say I'm on a Windows machine able to reach the server on port 22. I want to use putty to ssh to this server.
The first time I connect I'll see a warning message like this:
From here I can either connect once and continue to see the error in the future, accept the host key so it will be trusted in the future, or cancel, since I can't validate the identity of the server for certain.
Now let's say I also have a wildcard certificate for *.example.com
issued by a major publicly-trusted CA such as DigiCert, Comodo, GlobalSign, etc, and with myserver.example.com
in the subject alternative name (SAN) list.
How could I go about installing the certificate to the server so it is used for the ssh connection signature (not user authentication — that will be separate!) and trusted by the client computer, so this warning does not display? What attributes need to be included with the certificate that might not be included out of the box?