Some news about my next book in The Bookseller. Will post more here as we get nearer to publication.
The OECD has been using Google Trends data combined with machine learning to monitor GDP. Continue reading
How is election 2020 showing up in search? See how we visualised it. Continue reading
This is the introduction I wrote to a new book from the excellent data team at Paris Match, published in French. Check out the project here. What’s in a word? Quite a lot, as it turns out. The fortunes of a political campaign can turn with a single word. The right ones can propel a … Continue reading
Making a virtual reality visual is traditionally a tricky thing, as we found out in building one around Brexit. It requires coding and developers and there are many rules about avoiding making people feel physically sick. That’s a barrier to use. But recently, a new platform has made it a lot easier to visualise data … Continue reading
The latest in our series of data visualisation projects sees Shirley Wu and Nadieh Bremer apply their unique take on life to Google data. The pair together make up Shirley is based in San Francisco, Nadieh in Amsterdam, and the two regularly produce complementary work that tells beautiful stories. This month, in the latest … Continue reading
Image from Giphy There’s no shortage of public data out there around the election — FEC filings, demographic data from the census, even search data from Google… the list is long and complicated. But imagine if, like Neo in The Matrix, you could plug yourself into that election feed and get a complete grasp of all the data … Continue reading
Since the modern Olympics began nearly 120 years ago, they have been dissected and evaluated through every possible angle. But data journalism is about looking at the world anew through the fresh lens of facts and numbers. With the Games in full swing, all eyes are on the medal table: who’s winning and which countries … Continue reading
If you haven’t caught it, Partially Derivative is a great podcast about data, science and everything in between. I was lucky enough to get invited to chat with Jonathon Morgan about the state of data journalism today, the role of VR and exactly what I do at Google. Listen to the podcast