How can I get value of color programmatically from colors.xml file into C# code?
Here is my colors.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<item name="row_a" type="color">#FFCCFFCC</item>
<item name="row_b" type="color">#FFFFFFCC</item>
<item name="all_text" type="color">#FF000000</item>
<item name="row_red" type="color">#FFFF4444</item>
<item name="row_orange" type="color">#FFE69900</item>
<item name="row_green" type="color">#FF739900</item>
<item name="wheat" type="color">#FFF5DEB3</item>
<integer-array name="androidcolors">
I tried:
Color t = (Color)Resource.Colors.wheat;
but of course I cannot convert int value to Color this way.
As suggested I tried
Color t = Resources.GetColor(Resource.Color.row_a);
But it gives me an error:
Error CS0120 An object reference is required for the non-static field,
method, or property 'Resources.GetColor(int)'