Given the following pandas df:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'1' : ['title1','R','R','R'],
               '2' : ["title2", "NR" ,"NR", "NR"],
               '3' : ["title3", "R" , "NR", "NR"],
               '4' : ["title4", "R", "NR", "R"]})

And a longer list of strings:

List = ['2633', 'title1', '3327', 'title2', '18', 'title3', '5', 'title4', '5835', 'title5', '394', 'title6']

Is there any possibility in python environment to replace the titles in the df with the number before each pair-title in the list of strings.

Expected output:

dfnew = pd.DataFrame({'1' : ['2633','R','R','R'],
               '2' : ["3327", "NR" ,"NR", "NR"],
               '3' : ["28", "R" , "NR", "NR"],
               '4' : ["5", "R", "NR", "R"]})

    1    2      3   4
0   2633 3327   28  5
1   R    NR     R   R
2   R    NR     NR  NR
3   R    NR     NR  R

I assume that a regex would do the trick but I do not know how to access the correct numbers from the list.

Thanks for every help in advance!

  • This is not clear: do you want to use regexps with your text editor or coding them with python?
    – logi-kal
    Commented Apr 4, 2019 at 9:31
  • I search for a coding version in python
    – Pete
    Commented Apr 4, 2019 at 9:32
  • 2
    try not to use reserved words like list, even though you use capital L.
    – Erfan
    Commented Apr 4, 2019 at 9:37

3 Answers 3


Create a dict from even and odd indices as key-value pair and use replace to replace title by numbers:

d = {k:v for k,v in zip(List[1::2], List[::2])}



     1     2   3   4                                                                                                                 
0  2633  3327  18   5                                                                                                                 
1     R    NR   R   R                                                                                                                 
2     R    NR  NR  NR                                                                                                                 
3     R    NR  NR   R  


List[1::2] will give you elements at odd indices from the list ['title1', 'title2', 'title3', 'title4', 'title5', 'title6']


List[::2] will give you elements at even indices from the list ['2633', '3327', '18', '5', '5835', '394']


I would do something like this:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'1' : ['title1','R','R','R'],
               '2' : ["title2", "NR" ,"NR", "NR"],
               '3' : ["title3", "R" , "NR", "NR"],
               '4' : ["title4", "R", "NR", "R"]})
List = ['2633', 'title1', '3327', 'title2', '18', 'title3', '5', 'title4', '5835', 'title5', '394', 'title6']

# mapping every title with its number
mydict = {}
for i in range(len(List)) :
    if i %2 == 0 :
        mydict[List[i+1]] = List[i]

print mydict
#>>>{'title1': '2633', 'title2': '3327', 'title3': '18', 'title4': '5', 'title5': '5835', 'title6': '394'}

for k in df :
    title = df[k][0]
    df[k][0] = mydict[title]

print df
#>>>      1     2   3   4
#>>>0  2633  3327  18   5
#>>>1     R    NR   R   R
#>>>2     R    NR  NR  NR
#>>>3     R    NR  NR   R
List = [item.replace("title", "") for item in List]


['2633', '1', '3327', '2', '18', '3', '5', '4', '5835', '5', '394', '6']

If you want to apply on DF you just need to switch List by your DF Column

  • I think you misunderstood the question, look at the expected output
    – logi-kal
    Commented Apr 4, 2019 at 9:45

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