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How to Set SPATIALITE_SECURITY Environment Variable in .NET for SQLite/SpatiaLite?

I’m developing a .NET application where I’m using SQLite with SpatiaLite for spatial data processing. To enable all SpatiaLite functions, I need to explicitly set the SPATIALITE_SECURITY environment ...
Bilal Yousaf's user avatar
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Assimp .NET Model Animation went wrong (DEFAULT VALUES?)

I made today a skinned mesh, and i tried out my Blockbench model with a animation and saw that the keyframes of this model that set to 0 not set into the model, so my question is now how can i ...
MrScautHD's user avatar
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CSLA .NET Dynamic Root List and Blazor DataGrid Databinding in C#

CSLA is a framework for which it is not easy to find examples of illustrations I am working on a project and I would like to have an example of how to Binding Data between Dynamic Root List and a ...
VDU's user avatar
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Delete command is not working for List View in .NET MAUI

Somehow my DeleteNotificationCommand is not working, I can't figure out why? I am new to MAUI, any help would be appreciated. The command is not even getting triggered since, it's not hitting the ...
Ayush Mishra's user avatar
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Why Castle.DynamicProxy could not create proxy class when origin class has a decimal paramter method

Old .net framework 4.8 project, use AutoFac. I want to use AOP to instrument every method , but some class throw exception : System.Decimal is not a supported constant type. There are a lot of methods ...
Robert Chan's user avatar
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textbox is blinking on winforms

textbox is blinking when i update textbox bt a timer. private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (count < lk.Length) { if (lk[count] == '\r' && count + 1 < ...
Dmitriy Matveev's user avatar
-2 votes
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Injecting a default value in Console.ReadLine

I have a console app (.NET 9 C#) that takes a few values from the user and processes them one input at a time. Prompts: Enter your Query: []{SELECT * FROM Product} Narrow Query: [WHERE Product.Price &...
Raheel Khan's user avatar
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Unexpected workload after Visual Studio install

I'm looking for anyone to elucidate why, on the same machine, using the exact same install script for Visual studio 2022, the newest version (17.12.35521.163) comes with an older maui-windows workload ...
britzkopf's user avatar
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Azure Tenant setup for .NET Blazor WASM calling Web API + Microsoft Graph

Overview: I would like to create a solution for an organization using MSAL. The company seems to have users under a single Azure AD tenant. My solution should use a Blazor WASM UI with a .NET API ...
Braydon Griffith's user avatar
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Problem with JWT Authentication in .NET web project

I want users to redirect to 2 different views after logging in depending on the role from the token: Customers: after logging in, the project will use: Views/Home/...cshtml, site.js, site.css, ...
Khánh Huyền Phan's user avatar
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.net 9 - Make JSON deserialization more performant? [closed]

I'm dealing with an app that is meant to consume thousands of events per sec. The particularity here is that those events are very, VERY similar to one another. They not only follow the same schema, ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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How do you generate an S3 URL/Link to a file only for internal users in the Organization to use?

We don't want anyone outside of the organization to be able to access the S3 files. Looks like the pre-signed URL will not work.
user808520's user avatar
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.Net MAUI Assets file doesn't have a target for 'net8.0' for Class Library

This is where VS drives me crazy. I have a solution that has a .NET MAUI Hybrid project, plus a Class Library project. All was fine and I was able to deploy it about 5 times, and then all of a ...
Matt S.'s user avatar
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How to configure the Rate Limiter of the StandardResilienceHandler

I'm writing an application that connects to another HTTP service. I want to rate-limit my outgoing requests to that external service. Ideally, I want to use the standard resilience handler as ...
Daan's user avatar
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ConfigureAwait(false) causing slow downs

This is a .NET 9 WPF project and as far as I know when awaiting Tasks ConfigureAwait(false) extension should be used here. The Voltage property binds to a sliders Value. FireAndForgetSafeAsync also ...
Neran's user avatar
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