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601 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Chromecast – Connect to other device session from Chrome

Context When casting from Google Chrome and using the session listener it's possible to join an already created session, this works well when the session is created from chrome, and if the ...
a--m's user avatar
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When trying to find a Chromecast - MediaRouter.Callback is never called on my app for some of my users

I'm switching my app away from the CastCompanionLibrary because I need to support more streaming devices and a few of my users are having trouble with Chromecast discovery. I stripped out all of the ...
casolorz's user avatar
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Has anyone successfully implemented Google cast sdk with Jetpack Compose? What approach did you take?

I am currently trying to add Google cast sdk to a pure Compose app. I have hit several issues with various approaches. I am wondering if anyone else has achieved this and if so what approach did they ...
Paul Frank Allan's user avatar
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Detecting GooglePlayServices availability does not work

UPDATE: Probably fixed in GPS v12 but some people still report that nothing has changed. See this thread on google issue tracker. I have encountered a problem with detecting Google Play Services ...
Bartosz Wilk's user avatar
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Custom notification with Google Cast SDK v3

Ever since the new Google Cast SDK v3 has been out, I've been thinking about migrating to it, as it has a few features I need and I'm always interested in keeping everything as up-to-date as possible. ...
TR4Android's user avatar
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Style the text color in the "Currently playing" cast screen

I cannot find a way to keep my application style below and display the text in the "Currently playing" popup screen. It's white on white as you can see in the following picture. It seems textColor is ...
Hrk's user avatar
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Chromecast v3: Mini Controller showing progressbar instead of Play/Pause button

I am using below way to integrate mini_controller in my chromecast app. However, I always seeing progressbar instead of pause/play button in mini controller. <fragment android:id="@+id/...
Bhavesh Patadiya's user avatar
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Google-cast: Unable to white list app. Missing option for "Send this Chromecast's serial number when checking for updates"

This is a screenshot from my Mac's Chromecast app. As you can see the options to tick the "Send this Chromecast's serial number when checking for updates" is missing. I have another Chromecast device ...
Dagligleder's user avatar
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How to update Chromecast MediaMetadata during radio stream?

I recently added the ability to (chrome) cast a radio stream (audio/aac) from my Android radio app. The initial casting works as expected; the stream begins playing on the selected chromecast device ...
dr_sulli's user avatar
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Chromecast receiver - extremely poor framerates

We are experiencing severe issues with playback fidelity on Chromecast. Using the most basic implementation of CAF or v2 on the receiver, the video serves perhaps 2 frames per seconds, showing a lot ...
RamwiseMatt's user avatar
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Can headless-chrome cast webgl dashboard to a google cast TV?

I have a web-GL based analytics dashboard. The Google Cast device does not render WebGL content internally. Can chrome-headless running on a local server be used render and cast a dashboard to a ...
Jev Björsell's user avatar
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Casting Youtube video to custom CAF receiver using IFrame approach

I am trying to create a custom receiver app, which can play youtube videos using Iframe approach. I am not able to find documentation to link the YouTube player to in the cast framework. Note : I ...
user2191908's user avatar
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Android Cast v3: can't find any device

I'm trying to integrate the android cast v3 into my app and can't make it work. I did exactly what written in this google document: (...
Bokris Itzhak's user avatar
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How to keep Chrome Cast running in background iOS?

I have a simple question when you go to home screen of iPhone and do not quit the application than the chrome Cast device stops playing the video on screen how can I keep playback alive while the ...
hariszaman's user avatar
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Chromecast Reciever App Error : '[] The WebSocket disconnected unexpectedly: undefined '

While creating a receiver application in chromecast we are getting a problem as : [] The WebSocket disconnected unexpectedly: undefined cast_receiver_framework.js:507 WebSocket ...
Subash Shrestha's user avatar

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