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68 votes
8 answers

Will there be Chromecast Receiver Emulator or an alternate app that acts as a receiver for development?

Will there be any sort of emulator for the Chromecast receiver itself? Or possibly a way I could run a secondary Chrome window on my laptop that behaves the same as the one on the receiver itself. ...
Robert Dale Smith's user avatar
48 votes
1 answer

RemotePlaybackClient, stop() not getting callback

I am attempting to write a RemotePlaybackClient sample app, in part because the one published by Google crashes aapt. I can get RemotePlaybackClient to support play(), and it plays back a video on a ...
CommonsWare's user avatar
26 votes
5 answers

Display web sites and web apps with Chromecast

Can Chromecast be used to display a web site or web app? All the sample sender/receivers I've seen so far show how to play videos. The docs posted so far are minimal as best, just an API reference ...
kbriggs's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Build own Chromecast device

The Chromecast device is a "receiver device [that] runs a scaled-down Chrome browser with a receiver application". Can I download and install this receiver app on a chrome browser for example on my ...
Manuel A's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Can't find Chromecast serial number to register my device

I'm trying to register my chromecast device for development on the console following this guide: But it seems like its outdated, because when I ...
Jim Jones's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Chromecast – Connect to other device session from Chrome

Context When casting from Google Chrome and using the session listener it's possible to join an already created session, this works well when the session is created from chrome, and if the ...
a--m's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I discover a Chromecast device using Android?

I'd like to discover a Chromecast device and adjust the volume.
Les Vogel's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Steps to programmatically cast from android to miracast receiver

I'm trying to write an app that will start casting the screen from an Android phone to a TV via miracast. I'm using an HDMI dongle since the TV in question doesn't natively support miracast. I have ...
CalumMcCall's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Android ChromeCast RuntimeException : Remote load failed. No local fallback found

I am using cast feature in my application. It was working fine but suddenly I can see the increase in the number of crashes on play store console. I am initializing CastContext properly as defined in ...
sam_k's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Custom Chromecast sender API - possible?

I'd like to examine the possibility of writing an unofficial Windows 8 (WinRT/Metro) sender API for Chromecast. The goal would be to allow Windows 8 Store apps roughly the same functionality of iOS / ...
lucas-j's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Detect usage of Google Cast

How to detect if my AndroidTV is currently an Google Cast receiver from mobile/desktop ? How to detect who is currently an Google Cast sender from Google Cast Receiver perspective? How to detect if ...
Adam Styrc's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

How do I change the style of the MediaRouteButton in the ActionBar?

I realize I'm probably doing something fundamentally wrong with styles and themes but I'm still a bit of an Android newbie so please excuse my ignorance. I'm trying to change the style of my ...
ActiveApathy's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

"GoogleApiClient is not connected yet" exception in Cast application

I'm developing an Android application that casts content to Chromecast. Sometimes in my implementation in the onConnected method, ...
joaomgcd's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Sending messages from Sender to Custom Receiver with Chromecast receiver API V2

I've looked high and low for an answer and I can't seem to find anything, Google's Docs seem incomplete to the matter of message sending to a Custom Receiver. Also previous answers on StackOverflow ...
2xAA's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

ChromeCast background video playback support iOS

I have a problem that when I my application goes in background the GCKSocket of chromecast iOS api closes and I get this typr of error from api -[GCKCastSocket socketDidDisconnect:withError:] ...
hariszaman's user avatar
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