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How can I create multiple description, primary texts , headlines using Facebook adcreative API call?

Can I create multiple description, primary texts, headlines using Facebook adcreative API call. Single description, primary texts is working. How can I give multiple description, primary texts, ...
sukesh's user avatar
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How to pre-load google ads with google publisher tag?

I have a next.js app that displays ads, how can I pre-load the ads on the server side so that when the page is fully loaded the ads are ready to be displayed. Is this possible? I understand that ...
FlexLuthor's user avatar
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BGP Network Not Advertising to BGP Neighbor [closed]

I am neewbie to BGP. I have created neighborship R1 <-> R3 E-BGP Neighborship R3 <-> R4 I-BGP Neighborship R4 <-> R6 E-BGP Neighborship I have advertised loopback network ...
Nishant's user avatar
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Adsense Ads are Not Showing Sometimes

We have an application developed with WordPress and Adsense Ads are displayed with the Google code. Sometimes it do not work properly. Sometimes advertisements are displayed and sometimes not. When we ...
Jaffar Khalid's user avatar
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I need Advantage ODBC for Linux to connect Advantage Data Server

I need to find the Advantage ODBC for Linux for the SAP platform. For some time now from SAP downloads there is no way to download it. Has anyone had it before and can pass it on to me? I have ...
Iban Vaquerizo's user avatar
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Fit/Adjust google ad in mobiles

Im using Google Ads in my site inside a card > inside a container. The problem is the red circles in the picture. How can i fix this issue? I need to fit/adjust the size of the ad to the card or ...
RonnyKid's user avatar
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How to replace the obsolete ADClient requestAttributionDetails in iOS app?

I have some old code that uses ADClient.requestAttributionDetails, documented here. The code looks like: let client = ADClient.shared() client.requestAttributionDetails { (dict, err) in if let ...
Rob N's user avatar
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Android Manifest file in Unity. Error when uploading to Google Play. How can I fix that?

I want to update my games to API 34, using Unity 2019.1.0f1. With my 2 projects everything goes smooth, after building my project I've uploaded it without problem, but one project is stubborn. After ...
Mateusz's user avatar
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Google AdSense auto display ads and site preview not working after switching from PHP to Next.js

Background: I recently migrated my website from a PHP-based setup to a React.js based setup to improve performance and work speed. However, I faced some issues with React js because of its CSR. ...
ANIMA SONGS's user avatar
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Admob ads not showing on previous version of signed apk release after creating a new release

I have an Android app built in Android Studio (Java) with two ad units (banner and interstitial). In the debug version, test ads were working fine, and in the release version, ads were showing ...
junayed_i_said's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API: Unable to find the created A/B Test Campaign in console UI Facebook

I am trying to create A/B test using facebook graph API. The documentation I follow: The documentation mentions following curl ...
Minh Yến's user avatar
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Play ads at specific times of a video in ExoPlayer

In Android (kotlin) am using ExoPlayer 2.18.1 to stream movies, and in order to add ads to these movies i used IMA extension adsLoader to load ads and play them, currently I am using only a test ...
Jamal N's user avatar
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android.adservices.AD_SERVICES_CONFIG Android Manifest Error

So I'm having Problem with my manifest merger, play-services-measurement-api and play-services-ads-lite, so I tried adding <meta-data android:name="android.adservices.AD_SERVICES_CONFIG" ...
Sahmbyte's user avatar
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How do I integrate with Meta Ads with a never expiring access token?

I wish to integrate with Meta Ads to get data on Ads spends, Campaigns, etc. I am able to integrate with Meta with Expiring Access Tokens which are Valid for 60 days. After which the user has to re-...
Dhishan Kudwalli's user avatar
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UnityAdsLoadError.invalidArgument adMarkup is missing; objectId is missing

I am using unity ads in my flutter app and getting some issues I/flutter (15728): Banner Ad Banner_Android failed: UnityAdsBannerError.noFill Placement receives no fill E/UnityAds(15728): com.unity3d....
Somnath Dash's user avatar

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