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Airplay not connecting (TV and iPhone)

TV: GoCamp in a mobile home. Phone: iPhone 12 Mini, ios 17.6.1 The TV works with the installed apps to watch YouTube etc through Internet Sharing on the iPhone. Now I'm helping the owner to get this ...
Johnny's user avatar
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Creating a live video stream server that mimics a static MP4 file?

I'm trying to make Airplay work on Linux for screen mirroring. pyatv has been great for displaying static content (mp4/audio) but it cannot deal with live video streams. To play a video via Airplay, ...
Antonio Cheong's user avatar
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just_audio + AirPlay[Flutter] - plays as a video (full screen saver) - how to fix?

I am using just_audio to play streaming audio in my flutter iOS app. I will also use the dialog(flutter_to_airplay) to connect to devices that support AirPlay. When I switch the audio to mac - it ...
FetFrumos's user avatar
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How do I get my app to show the "Tap to Airplay" banner on launch

I would like my app to show the airplay suggestion like Spotify does. I have enabled background audio in the app's capabilities, I use try audioSession.setCategory(.playback) on app launch, and then I ...
Halpo's user avatar
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Webkit attributes do not disable/hide AirPlay button in Safari

I'm trying to disable AirPlay button on Safari when using react-player ( package. I have added x-webkit-wirelessvideoplaybackdisabled="true", x-...
Natalia Usoltseva's user avatar
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Why do the audio elements look different and have different features on Mac vs iPad?

I made a website with a table of tunes, where each row has a column for a media player. Here's a link to the site: When I look at the website (in Chrome) on ...
BarbE's user avatar
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AVPlayer disconnects Airplay

On an Apple TV, if you have an app that triggers a video playing in AVPlayer while another device is air playing to the Apple TV. The device gets disconnected from Airplay and the video plays instead. ...
R H's user avatar
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How do I use screen mirroring in iOS app programatically

I need to use screen mirroring when I click on Airplay button. When I click on Airplay button, it presents airplay popup with list of compatible devices. After connecting to a display (MacBook) only ...
Mudassir's user avatar
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When using AVPlayerViewController can't display MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork during Airplay

A section of my app displays various forms of media from an API, images, videos and songs (audio + an image). I'm using AVPlayerController and using an UIImageView on top of its contentOverlayView to ...
Simon McLoughlin's user avatar
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How to get external display information after choosing use as separate as display via screen mirroring on MacOS?

I would like to get some information of the connected display such as vendor number, eisaId, … after connecting the external display via “screen mirroring” -> “use as Separate Display” When the ...
Luu Minh's user avatar
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Is it possible render video frames directly to AirPlay from an iOS app?

Is it possible for me to generate CMSampleBuffers in real time and stream that to a TV via AirPlay. Similarly to how I am able to render those frames directly to an AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer on the ...
Anton's user avatar
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Bluetooth to Earpiece switching is not working in iOS 15 and above (VoIP Application)

We are developing a VoIP application. Application is developed using Xamarin.iOS. In order to match iOS calling features, CallKit and AVRoutePickerView are used. When VOIP call is connected, user try ...
Ranjit's user avatar
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Airplay mirroring app screen out of the app

Can I launch AirPlay from my custom app and then display the custom app screen on the external monitor? I found a solution to display videos. - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // ...
cuSoon's user avatar
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Send local audio to a specific Airplay speaker programmatically?

I want to play a local mp3 file to a known Airplay-capable speaker in my house. I can bring up the AVRoutePickerView programmatically - but I am more interested in somehow getting a list of known ...
Eric Dolecki's user avatar
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Is it possible to use an Airplay display (like a TV) from javascript in an HTML5 app on iOS

I would like to create an HTML5 app in javascript that will run in Safari on an iOS device but be able to use Airplay as a second screen or expanded screen (not mirrored). The idea would be to have ...
jpcoder's user avatar
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