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Why are the probabilities always the same with MobileNet V2 model (mobilenet_v2_1.4_224.tflite)?

I am implementing a TensorFlow Lite model in my Android application using the mobilenet_v2_1.4_224.tflite model, which I downloaded from the TensorFlow GitHub repository: MobileNet from TensorFlow ...
k6074526's user avatar
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Android Studio App crashes sometimes when trying to get data from local webserver [duplicate]

I am currently trying to build my first app with android studio. I am trying to access data from a webserver My code is: class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(...
user28783786's user avatar
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How to suspend coroutine in a composable function until a specific value appears in a SnapshotStateList

How to properly wait for a specific value to be added to a SnapshotStateList defined in a ViewModel from a Composable function. My current implementation executes immediately without waiting for the ...
Takana's user avatar
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Android Studio Emulator Proxy

I have problem with Proxyman. I use Proxyman with Android Studio Emulator (Windows 10) but sometimes with some requests to the network I get error such as: Caused by:
Дмитрий Малков's user avatar
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Delete command is not working for List View in .NET MAUI

Somehow my DeleteNotificationCommand is not working, I can't figure out why? I am new to MAUI, any help would be appreciated. The command is not even getting triggered since, it's not hitting the ...
Ayush Mishra's user avatar
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Cannot create MotionPhoto, metadata not rightly wrote or the process creating file wrong

I create a Android app mean to combine a image file and a video file to a MotionPhoto. I wrote the UI and logic into one file for proof the concept. The code is below. The problem is: the created file ...
shawshuai's user avatar
-3 votes
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Parse JSON java Android [duplicate]

After decrypt of encoded API response got the json string as follow."{\"result\":\"SUCCESS\",\"ts\":\"2024-12-12T13:18:07+05:30\"}". In this above ...
Rajendra's user avatar
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build an interactive map application [closed]

I would like to develop a mobile application that provides the user with a detailed, geo-located interactive map of a specific area. The goal is to accurately locate the user and provide a pre-defined ...
xvi ivx's user avatar
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Android Studio Offline Translator Development [closed]

Kinda new to stack overflow and I am running out of hope, i am currently making a project for my school that is an offline translator. I've got the translating and text to speech feature to work ...
Steve Harvey's user avatar
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How can I test my Flutter code on an iOS emulator using Android Studio while working on a Windows machine?

In Android Studio, I am testing my Flutter code on an Android emulator, but I want to test it on iOS as well. How can I do this on a Windows machine? If you're testing your Flutter code on an Android ...
arslan's user avatar
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How to get real time Location Data in DJI SDK?

I want to get real time data of my current drone location like Latitude and Longitude I tried this code and it is not working at all. KeyManager.getInstance().listen( ...
Wojciech Krawczyk's user avatar
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Only-data messages being collapsed and dropped in iOS

I want to send multiple data messages to my flutter app. I was working with notifications as they were sent in all states (foreground, background, terminated) but found that they are being collapsed. ...
OKKO's user avatar
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androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle.viewmodel.compose vs androidx.hilt:hilt.navigation.compose [duplicate]

Following Android documentation from various places: Use Hilt with other Jetpack libraries: Inject ViewModel objects with Hilt Compose and other libraries: ViewModel Compose and other libraries: Hilt ...
TenHorizons's user avatar
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How to make our Android app become an approved source (e.g known source)

We are developing our own app store for white-label devices. Our app store should be able install other apps by downloading APK from our server. However, when our app store tries to install an APK, ...
Trung's user avatar
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Fragment Container View Loose NavGraph

I have a function to create a new bottom sheet dialog in my main activity which contain a fragment container view to display a nav graph. private fun showBottomSheet() { // Create the ...
Tuấn Nguyễn's user avatar

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