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Android / Google Cast error codes - not defined

I'm adding the Google Cast SDK to my application. I am testing on nest home mini's, a pixel tab, and chromecasts. Occasionally, I get errors that are not defined in either
brettywhite's user avatar
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Google Cast - setMediaInformation not working in addCustomMessageListener

I use the plugin Cast to broadcast Internet radio from a mobile app(Flutter - Android/iOS) to Chromecast. I used a custom receiver(on a Google cast device). in general, everything works, but I can't ...
FetFrumos's user avatar
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Screen mirroring using ChromeCast SDK

I am building a screen mirroring app in android using media projection. Now, I want to mirror my mobile screen chromeCast enabled devices like Vizio SmartCast Tv, and other chromeCast device. Can I ...
VishV's user avatar
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How to stop casting immediately on Android?

I need to stop casting after the user enabled it inside my app. The app listened to MediaRouter.Callback as below: private val mediaRouterCallback = object : MediaRouter.Callback() { override fun ...
Mohammadreza Khahani's user avatar
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Has anyone successfully implemented Google cast sdk with Jetpack Compose? What approach did you take?

I am currently trying to add Google cast sdk to a pure Compose app. I have hit several issues with various approaches. I am wondering if anyone else has achieved this and if so what approach did they ...
Paul Frank Allan's user avatar
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On Android, how to check the phone screen is casting?

I need to check if the Android phone my app runs on is using casting which is enabled outside of my app. It seems CastSession or SessionManager can provide the session related to my app which is not ...
Mohammadreza Khahani's user avatar
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Could a custom receiver support other streaming protocols?

The documentation outlines HLS and MPEG-Dash (among others) that are supported. From an Android sender, I'd like to stream a low latency protocol like WebRTC or RTP, could a custom reciever be made to ...
SOSparachuter1's user avatar
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Android TV cast - Senders count limit

What is the right way to set limit on senders count to only 1 user at a time. Should it be sender or receiver that disconnects previous session? or is there any right way to do it? Tried sending ...
Gor Grigoryan's user avatar
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Google Cast audio mirroring

I am looking into Google Cast for my Android app as I use AirPlay for my iOS app. Overall, the setup seems overly complicated. I happen to use Exoplayer, but in a bit off-label manner with multiple ...
brettywhite's user avatar
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Android Chromecast Sender won't update title and images

I've followed the instruction from Google on how to cast media metadata to chromecast, the initial loading is fine, it will show the title, image and play the stream, but my problem is that I am ...
bypass112's user avatar
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Cast app, android cast app does need both sender and receiver?

I just want to know is that. For creating the cast application we have to develop or provide both functionality sender and receiver. I mean as the user downloads the Cast app in mobile, user also have ...
Fahad Ammar's user avatar
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Android, Google-cast, "Error inflating class"

I have been trying to add google-cast to my Android app that plays videos using Exoplayer. The app has one single activity withTheme.Leanback theme and the same UI is used for both Phones and Android ...
krahimi's user avatar
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Google cast sender app not opening TV receiver app

I'm trying to implement video casting for my flutter app using the package cast Ive registered my app on the cast console and able to cast my videos from the sender android mobile app made with ...
Lallawmzuala khawlhring's user avatar
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Video cast on Fire TV stick using google cast

I am using Google cast SDK for casting video in TV for android and ios application. Using this SDK I am able to cast video in Android TV, chromcast, But Fire TV stick device is not found in SDK. I ...
kinjal dhamat's user avatar
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How to play IMA ads on Chromecast from sender app ( Android )

Hi everyone just wondering if anyone knew what we need to do to play IMA ads on chrome cast from a sender app, From what I understand reading the docs the only way to play it is to send a message to ...
Manendra De Mel's user avatar

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