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How to add an ad view in ConstraintLayout at bottom and below other stuff programmatically?

This question may look similar to the following question, but I need help solving my use case. It provides explanations for adding constraints inside the XML file. I'm trying to migrate from ...
Maxim Kirilov's user avatar
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Compose ConstraintLayout does not respect constraints

I'm trying to use constraint layouts to lay down my elements, but they do not truly respect the constraint I gave to them when the content of this elements is bigger than the space available. Is this ...
Jose Navío's user avatar
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Constraint layout Y position not matching the margin value

I'm facing some sort of trouble setting constraint on a view on runtime with a margin. These are the y and margin coordinate when the view is displayed to the user I set the margin like that : ...
Shindra's user avatar
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Android: Two views on opposite side without overlap taking as little space as their content

I have a very simple yet frustrating issue: I have two views inside a layout. The layout can be any layout but I have been trying to use a ConstraintLayout. I want these two views on opposite sides ...
Chocos's user avatar
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Android MotionLayout OnSwipe glitch after programmatically created transition ends. Only happens one time, then animation is consistent

Attached at the bottom are images to help visualise the issue. The XML MotionScene for the MotionLayout has four Transitions defined with OnSwipe mechanisms. Additionally, the fragment has two ...
Lloyd Hussell's user avatar
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Android: How to set Max Width to match parent's width with layout_width="wrap_content"?

The width of the TextView below needs to match it's content width (in a ConstraintLayout), however when the content includes a long text, it currently extends horizontally beyond the width of the ...
GK100's user avatar
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Why the view go outside of screen by ConstrainLayout in the condition of RTL?

Problem Here is my layout file: activity_main.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://...
Yatung Yü's user avatar
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Android - NavController - Reopening fragment is maintaining the Accessibility focus

I've two fragments - IntroFragment DetailFragment Intro layout - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android=&...
AndroidCoder's user avatar
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Ludo Game in Android Studio - Pawn Movement Issues on Different Devices

I am currently developing a Ludo game in Android Studio and have run into a significant issue regarding the movement of pawns across different devices. Project Setup: I have created a grid using ...
Jaydeep Kasture's user avatar
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Cannot display an image in Constraint Layout

I have this xml but the image is only shown when I hard the width and height of the image. I am not sure why the constraints as I provided in the code are not working. <merge xmlns:android=&...
MXC's user avatar
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bias in jetpack compose ConstraintLayout

For example, I want the right side to align with Image's start when the Text width is less than screen's width, and the Text will wrap automatically when the Text's width is more than screen's width ,...
ggboundzhl's user avatar
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ConstraintLayout Custom view refusing to be used as a contraint

I've created some custom views based on ContraintLayout, which is basically a pairing of a textview and some other component. EditTextCompat and SwitchCompat. Both of them are basically created the ...
Andreas Andersson's user avatar
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Android ConstraintLayout - adjust width of Childs

I need to have a composition which dynamically adjusts child view width depending on available space. Rules: Right and Left dividers always visible Dividers size: min 6dp, max 16dp Dividers can ...
Bugdr0id's user avatar
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How to limit ScrollView content inside CardView in ConstraintLayout on Kotlin. In Runtime the content show out of bounds

I am having trouble with the content of a ScrollView inside a CardView in ConstraintLayout. In the Design view it shows as I need it but on runtime the content of the ScrollView is shown covering the ...
jetberrocal's user avatar
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Compose ConstraintLayout's pivots aren't working as intended?

I am trying to use Compose's ConstraintLayout composable to place a composable on 30% midway through the screen from the top. I tried using the pivotY attribute in the constraint DSL to no avail, ...
Abdallah Mehiz's user avatar

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