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play temp file (created by combining raw flac files) in android app using mediaplayer

I have raw files named zero.flac , one.flac , ... , nine.flac My app has minimum api 28 and I am using kotlin. My app will take number input from user and read it sequentially There will be option to ...
lxuser's user avatar
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How to Play UDP Streams Using Media3 (ExoPlayer)?

I'm currently working on an Android app using the Media3 (ExoPlayer) library to stream video content. I've successfully implemented playback for HTTP streams, but I'm having trouble playing a UDP ...
chirantha's user avatar
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Audio Won't Stop Playing When Using MediaPlayer In Andriod Studio

I've developed a simple Android application where you can play and stop audio using MediaPlayer. However the audio doesn't stop when requested to. Here is a breakdown of the app. There are two buttons ...
Bob Rasner's user avatar
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Playing audio messages that come as cloudKey in mp4 format with mediaPlayer

This code is needed to implement MediaPlayer functionality. Since the project itself is multiplatform. class AudioPlayerImp(private val client: HttpClient) : AudioPlayer { private var mediaPlayer: ...
Umaq's user avatar
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How to receive Bluetooth headset play/pause events when TextToSpeech.speak()?

I am trying to handle the pause/play button from a Bluetooth headset (e.g. Jabra Elite 7 Pro) by simply logging into Logcat a message whenever it is pressed. The “twist” is that this is during ...
sfinja's user avatar
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iOS mic audio recorded in MPEG4AAC does not play in Android

I am recording voice in my .net maui app in iOS using AVFoundation.AVAudioRecorder. private AVAudioRecorder recorder; ... { var filePath = GetTempFilePath(); url = ...
Reza's user avatar
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React Native Expo - How to add media controls on lock screen without ejecting?

I am developing a mobile application for both Android & IOS which among other things it plays audio using expo-av. By changing some of the configuration variables it works even when the user locks ...
JohnP's user avatar
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Android Studio : lost MediaButtonReceiver library

After I left my project development sleep for a while, I had to get back to it. I'm stuck with the loss of MediaButtonReceiver library ... It used to sit in
MF de Préval's user avatar
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Exoplayer is using container duration for playing mp4 files from the url. How to make it read video duration

I am using androidx media3 player. I need to play back to back mp4 assets downloaded from URL. These mp4 assets have been processed through a transcoder and it seems that after processing container ...
priti verma's user avatar
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MediaMetadataRetriver's setDataSource always fails

retriever.setDataSource(context, uri) This line of code keeps throwing exception: could not access android.resource:/data/user/0/ba.simovic.videoeditor/cache/editedVideo.mp4 I would get a video ...
Ivan Šimović's user avatar
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The purpose of MediaButtonReceiver in Android API 21+

When handling mediaButton events originating from remote controls or headsets, the Android documentation states here: On Android 5.0 (API level 21) and higher, Android automatically dispatches media ...
tvanlaerhoven's user avatar
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Unable to play same item in Media Recyclerview

I have media items which are mp3 in recyclerview mp3 are stored in raw. Everything is right but when I try to play the same item again it won't play. Here is how it goes: Play any item from ...
Sarmad Ali's user avatar
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How to Test if Video is Playing in Hardware or Software Mode in ExoPlayer

I want to implement the option to choose between hardware and software decoding in ExoPlayer based on user selection. I've implemented the following code: private fun buildRenderersFactory(...
Pratik Fagadiya's user avatar
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How can I get audio to loop on Android using

I've been trying for about 2 weeks now to get sound looping to work, but there seems to be an issue with every method I've been able to find. These are the things I've tried so far, as well as the ...
Bo Bramer's user avatar
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Android MediaPlayer SurfaceView video restarts on resume

Following is my code to play a video from an url import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import ...
amodkanthe's user avatar
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