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CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/vendor/X/BINARYFILE":library "/data/valgrind/libexec/valgrind/" needed or dlopened by

Executed valgrind binary files in android framework. Facing linker error as mentioned below during command execution time, How to resolve this? command: valgrind --leak-check=full --tool=...
Revathi Manoharan's user avatar
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Error - undefined module "org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:+" when building aosp bundled with custom system app

Building aosp for target 'lunch sdk_phone_x86_64' I have included a custom system app which uses tensorflow hence within the Android.bp this is the dependency declaration. static_libs: [ "...
razakma15's user avatar
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android cuttlefish aosp-android14-gsi virtual device booting error on raspberry pi 4b

I'm using android cuttlefish v1.0.0 docker image docker-image-arm64 on raspberry pi 4b 4gb ram + raspberry pi os lite 64bit $ cat /etc/rpi-issue Raspberry Pi reference 2024-07-04 Generated using pi-...
Junho Cha's user avatar
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Battery Status Changing after some delay after the healthd updates

Did anyone resolved the issue of the battery status as Charging and Discharging in the GUI. In my kernel the Charging and Discharging is happening perfectly. logs from the kernel:- phyboard_polis:/ # ...
Pritam srichandan Sahoo's user avatar
-3 votes
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Error while building Android 9 on ubuntu 20.04

I'm facing some problems while building firmware Android 9 for my device on Ubuntu 20.04. For more details, the build was successful on Ubuntu 18.04. Import includes file: out/target/product/...
KhangKhoaiLang's user avatar
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Is there any way to turn on bluetooth using cmd line (adb shell preferably)

I tried turning on bluetooth using cmd bluetooth_manager enable: But i see its failing a check in Since the caller is shell (UID 2000). So ...
Nandish R's user avatar
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build/make/core/tasks/ error: Build failed

I tried to merge the mainline resources for July 2024 into the AOSP code, but I found that it had a compilation error vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys/telephony-apps/ConferenceDialer/ ...
user19791436's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to display keyboard in two display at a time in android?

I want to display keyboard in both primary and secondary display. But the keyboard is displaying in any one of the display. Let me know is there any work around to display the keyboard in both display[...
Star's user avatar
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Battery Status Icon Not Updating in Android Notification Bar Despite Kernel and HAL Changes

I am working on an Android project where the battery status icon in the notification bar does not reflect the actual charging or discharging state. While logs confirm that the status is correctly ...
Pritam srichandan Sahoo's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to enable Ethernet in Cuttlefish emulator device?

enter image description here How can enable ethernet interface in cuttlefish emulator device? I can connect to virtual wifi but cannot connect to virtual ethernet. This is config for ethernet in ...
KhangKhoaiLang's user avatar
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How to find out what are all the never allow rules in Selinux policy for a specific Android version?

I want to Extract selinux never allow rules from aosp and compare it with the never allow rules I have in my customized device. I have tried using sesearch tool for extracting never allow rules from ...
Vamsi Simhadri's user avatar
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Hilt doesn't work with Jetpack Compose in AOSP

I am developing an Android application in AOSP. Below is my configuration for my app Android.bp android_library_import { name: "MyApp-hilt-navigation-compose", aars: ["libs/...
Zappy.Mans's user avatar
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Extrcating Body Request. ( Data Exfiltration Detection )

I am working on a detecting data exfiltration for am android malware. I noticed it makes some post request to the server. I have downloaded the AOSP and modified the and (...
hashar mujahid's user avatar
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loading kernel module on a Pixel 8 on CalyxOS

I have been trying for a few days now. My final goal is to be able to load a kernel module (for example, a simple 'hello world' module) on a rooted Pixel 8 device running CalyxOS. For now, it will ...
Gal Kaptsenel's user avatar
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Android: How to add pre-built APEX public key in AOSP Android.bp file?

I would like to add a pre-built and signed APEX to an AOSP built. I can add the APEX file via the prebuilt_apex command in the Android.bp file. The apex is then correctly build and added to the the ...
Me7e0r's user avatar
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