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Why does my Angular 9 sort routine work great when using Google Chrome (Ch131) browser, but works poorly (gets Wait msg) when using MS Edge (Ch131)?

Component code: columnSort(colName: string): void { if (this.sortedAsc) { // sorts in ascending order this.sortedAsc = false; this.members = this.members.sort((m1, m2) => { ...
Cwinds's user avatar
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Integratin CalHeatMap into Anguar app with SSR

I try to integrate CalHeatMap into my app: import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { NgIconComponent, provideIcons } from '@ng-icons/...
user28273827332's user avatar
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Spring Boot + Angular monolith application csrf-token is being set as HttpOnly in external server where https is used

Locally I get as a response header correctly after GET request SET-COOKIE: XSRF-TOKEN=cookie; Path=/ And when doing POST request it has cookie and a header and everything is working fine. In external ...
springbooter99's user avatar
3 votes
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How should I reference different files for different devices using Angular?

So this is my project's structure in version 18.2.8. enter image description here This is the structure if I'm looking with a pc: enter image description here What I want to do is to show a css file ...
Miler_2's user avatar
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Can't access a field of an object in TypeScript by using a variable as a name of the index unless declared as a constant

I can't understand why the first two printouts work, while the other two produce an error. const index1 = "name"; const holder: { field: string; } = { field: "name" }; const index2 ...
Konrad Viltersten's user avatar
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Angular 18 read JSON file in assets folder

In angular 18, I have to read a json file using HTTP client. I cannot predict the hosted URL. The site may be hosted in two or three level sub folder domain names. How can I read the json files from ...
Ragesh MK's user avatar
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Is there a way to set a default value to signal's rxResource() such as signal()

it seems that there is no way to set a default value to rxResource such as classique signals. I do it like that: #errorsResource = rxResource<ParseError[], any>({ request:() => ({ ...
Benoît Dumont's user avatar
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Cant change Angular Materials paginator value after using viewChild signal

I need to change my tables paginators pageIndex and pageSize, my code works well when i use ViewChild, but i want to use signal query, when i use signal query i got this error; Writing to signals is ...
ocanyldz's user avatar
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angular impure pipe triggered only on service changes

Am implementing a service named MyService (singleton) which has an attribute called config, and a pipe named MyPipe which should only be re-evaluated when MyService.config (not the input into the ...
Mako's user avatar
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Angular Interceptor - retrieve Graphql query or mutation name

Good morning everyone, I would need your help to retrieve the query or mutation name within the interceptor which is working fine. import { HttpContextToken, HttpInterceptorFn } from '@angular/common/...
DanyBoy's user avatar
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I have a problem with using the Leaflet features in my Angular component

i want to use leaflet in my project with all of this library features. this is my code which shows the map with distance feature but draw and easyprint features does not work and there is no anything ...
homelander_79's user avatar
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How to generate dynamic metadata from an Angular component using node js?

I want to create a library with components example pages generated automatically by a node js code. Using some Copilot help, I got this function to read the component's metadata, but it is returning ...
Marcos Laredo's user avatar
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How can we bulk remove unused class names from my component's imports array?

In Angular 19 we now get warnings about unused imports. (unused classes in the imports array). The blog post says "auto remove" Additionally, the Angular language service will highlight ...
Ben Racicot's user avatar
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in Angular Signals, can you use viewChild() + effect() to handle changes to a child element?

Let's say I want to know when a particular child element in my component is scrolled. Suppose I declare: contentPanel = viewChild.required<ElementRef>('contentPanel'); contentScrollTop = ...
J Brecht's user avatar
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default route resolver (Angular)

I'm trying to set some state in our NgRx Store for specific pages (I'll cause these POI - "page of interest"). If not one of those pages, I would like to set the Store to a default value. We ...
MageWind's user avatar
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