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How to Set SPATIALITE_SECURITY Environment Variable in .NET for SQLite/SpatiaLite?

I’m developing a .NET application where I’m using SQLite with SpatiaLite for spatial data processing. To enable all SpatiaLite functions, I need to explicitly set the SPATIALITE_SECURITY environment ...
Bilal Yousaf's user avatar
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Unity C# - Tuple must contain at least two elements - error

I am trying to update discord activities while playing my game in unity by DiscordGameSDK. I am weak in this area, so I admit that I copied everything from the guide, but I got stuck with this error: ...
Miłosz's user avatar
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CSLA .NET Dynamic Root List and Blazor DataGrid Databinding in C#

CSLA is a framework for which it is not easy to find examples of illustrations I am working on a project and I would like to have an example of how to Binding Data between Dynamic Root List and a ...
VDU's user avatar
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How do I setup an integration test for a CRUD app for ASP.NET MVC 5 using Entity Framework 6?

I having a functional CRUD app that (simply put) creates, reads, updates, and deletes teachers from a localdb through a GUI. Regarding create, I have two action results located in the controller: ...
where_am_I's user avatar
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Delete command is not working for List View in .NET MAUI

Somehow my DeleteNotificationCommand is not working, I can't figure out why? I am new to MAUI, any help would be appreciated. The command is not even getting triggered since, it's not hitting the ...
Ayush Mishra's user avatar
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Unity stucks on domain reload (MacOS)

I am using Unity 2022.3.51f1, the project is imported from windows PC. Each time I edit script or do anything that needs to reload domain, it stucks at the end of the reloading. I need to restart the ...
Yakup Erdem Yılmaz's user avatar
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C# SharpDX, Quaternion Squad not continue

I'm using SharpDX to perform Squad interpolation of quaternions, but the calculated results are not continuous. Here is the code. What is the issue, and how can I fix it? The following graph ...
user28782417's user avatar
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CollectionView control in a MAUI .net 9 app only fires load more items command once when supporting increment load

I am using a CollectionView component in a page and loading data incrementally to support large list of items. Here is the view XAML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> &...
B Singh's user avatar
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ODBC Firebird connections limit

I have simple code that creates connection to Firebird (any version, from 2.5 to 5.0). C#, x64, FbConnection, 1000 connections, all working fine: List<FbConnection> fbList = new List<...
��иколай Невзоров's user avatar
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Handling events on Metronic Tailwind CSS components in Blazor

I am attempting to use Metronic (9.x) with Blazor, and have started a project based on the official sample found here:
Karl's user avatar
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System.FormatException: 'The input string was not in a correct format.' [closed]

this the problem codeHelp me solved this error please SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=Logdb;Integrated Security=True"); con.Open(); ...
BoloDewo's user avatar
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Are there known changes to <InputFile/> that makes OnChange crash app in .NET 9?

I'm trying to add a simple filepicker to a Blazor .NET 9 app, but it crashes. The code is simply: <InputFile OnChange="HandleSelection" /> @code { private async Task HandleSelection(...
Dennis Gundersen's user avatar
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Where is my mistake and why the code doesn't work as expected? [closed]

using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Xml.Linq; using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word; using Office = Microsoft.Office.Core; using Microsoft.Office....
Jonathan Clark's user avatar
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Why does an HTTPS URL override an HTTP URL when setting up listeners in .NET Core?

Can someone explain why setting an HTTPS URL when building a web app overrides the HTTP settings? I have the following code which works just fine: var webApplication = WebApplication.CreateBuilder()....
Quark Soup's user avatar
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Why doesn't my script access correctly the variable i pass it?

I am trying to make a main menu in C# for a unity project. I have some arrays of gameobjects that contain UI elements, divided by location (mm - main menu, songs - song selection, hands - hand ...
Raffaele Naccarello's user avatar

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