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CsvHelper - read multiple rows to a single list grouped by a column on CSV [closed]

"Cust1", "CustomerFirstName","CustomerLastName","Street1", "City1","OrderId1","OrderName1" "Cust1", "...
Ram Kumar's user avatar
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CSVHelper Map available fields

Is there a way to map available fields coming from a CSV file ignoring fields that may not be present in the CSV? For example, I have a class with 5 properties. I want to allow mapping from CSV for ...
Mensur's user avatar
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Character encoding issues while uploading / downloading a CSV to Azure Blob Storage using C#

I have a service which allows users to upload and download a CSV file to update data in a system using C#. This data contains foreign characters. The file appears to upload fine. If I download and ...
Tree Frog's user avatar
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How to map a nested class by CsvHelper?

class A { public C MyC; public int OtherStuff; } class B { public C MyC1; public C MyC2; } class C { public int WeirdInt; public string WeirdString; } I want to create a ...
狸子Neazle's user avatar
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Write CSV from Nested anonymous object

I didn't succeed to write a CSV for the following structure, I'm pretty sure it should be possible automatically but I'm missing something... The _recordedData variable is a dictionary of List<...
Eledwin's user avatar
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Ignore Comma Delimiter in CsvHelper

I've a project that uses CsvHelper package to parse excel file. Unfortunately I came into a condition where I've to ignore comma as delimiter that CsvHelper does by default I believe. The data in a ...
user8512043's user avatar
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Reading a CSV, modify some field values, writing it back using CsvHelper

I'm using CsvHelper v33.0.1 in a C# program. I'm taking an existing CSV file that contains 70+ columns and about 3000 rows, modifying 3 column values, then rewriting the modified rows back to the ...
Kish Baley's user avatar
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What does Format("0.0".PadRight(100, '#') do when writing a CSV with CSVHelper

I have a piece of code I am currently refactoring, but I can't find documentation about what a line in one of the ClassMaps is doing exactly. I try to get rid of the ClassMaps and replace them with ...
causa prima's user avatar
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With CsvHelper, how do I make it use string.Empty instead of Null for missing varchar fields?

Say I have a c# class "Person" with a property named "FirstName". In the database, FirstName is a VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL field. When CsvHelper imports a CSV that lacks a FirstName ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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CsvHelper no longer has Context.IsFieldBad

I'm upgrading a program from CsvHelper v2.15.0 to v33.0.1 and dealing with all the changes. I've fixed most of them, but I can't find the solution to this. In my old code I have: while (csv.Read() &...
Peter M's user avatar
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CsvHelper breaking changes - CsvSerializer

I am upgrading CsvHelper from a very old version (v15). I have this code: using (var csv = new CsvWriter(new CsvSerializer(output, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))) csv.WriteRecords(report); ...
fr0's user avatar
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CsvHelper passing parameter into map constructor when registering class map

I am using CsvHelper to read a csv file and create a list of records from a file. I have different types of csv files that contain data to be mapped to the same properties of my models but the headers ...
Nico Sz's user avatar
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Need help parsing HTML markup with CSVHelper through my .NET API

I receive a CSV from an third party in this format: Job Requisition Id,Brand,Is Deleted,Internal Status,Job Code,Job Title-JobRequisitionLocale,Posting Start Date-JobRequisitionPosting,Posting End ...
wiizimov's user avatar
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CSV Helper - Create Numeric column instead of General

I am using CSV Helper to create a CSV file as follows: for (int i = 0; i < dsData.Rows.Count; i++) { DateTime invDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dsData.Rows[i]["DocDate"].ToString()); ...
Kinyanjui Kamau's user avatar
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Write RTL to CSV file using C#

I am trying to write a function that receives a DataTable and writes the data from it into a csv file, The function works, but I want the file content to be displayed in Right-to-Left (RTL).. I tried ...
abab's user avatar
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