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Dart package layout for static data files

My project uses a single large text file with a collection of English words. This file should never be changed by code, only read from. Is there a standard location in the file structure for a file ...
donotread123's user avatar
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How to preprocess an image to match TFLite model input shape [1, 640, 640, 3] in Flutter?

Problem: I am working on a Flutter project where I need to run a TensorFlow Lite (TFLite) object detection model. The model has specific input and output shape requirements, and I am encountering ...
yousef sultan's user avatar
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How can I retrieve 3 collections from Firestore in a FutureBuilder? Using Future.wait but getting errors

I need to pull three lists from Firestore before building my UI. Using a Future.wait I am getting an error. Here is my code: Here is the declaration of the variables for the futures: // Variables ...
TM Lynch's user avatar
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How to make the ingredient list align at the center while keeping the current layout

Based on the photo and code below, how do I make the ingredient list align at the center along with the ingredients title? I tried using custom width for both of the SizedBox for the ingredients, but ...
Tunku Rafi's user avatar
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Emulator stuck on rendering website using flutter app

I built flutter app that renders website content directly using webview, but my emulator keeps loading for so long time, just displaying my website url. What i have attempted so far Delete and create ...
Mlimbila's user avatar
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Equality and identity in Dart

I am just starting to study Dart and a question arose, a clear answer to which I could not find or formulate for myself. I'm trying to figure out the difference between == and identity(). Using the ...
JuliaSvygina's user avatar
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Showing void api result with listview builder

well i have a little problem with the listview builder , i make a request on a api and i am upposed to display the result depending on the length of the result, it works very well but when i have no ...
Deenan Djigbenou's user avatar
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How do i group items in a PagedListview in flutter?

The screen is a transaction_history screen that lists all transactions for that particular account and loads more as the user scrolls. But i am finding it difficult to group them by their timestamps. ...
Teewhy's user avatar
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In Dart how can I define a Arithmetic Operator as a Variable?

In dart I want to set a plus or minus operator as a variable. var plusOrMinus; if (x >= y) { plusOrMinus = -; } else { plusOrMinus = +; } How do I define plusOrMinus so ...
greenzebra's user avatar
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How to properly react to changes from other providers using Riverpod?

currently BatchSizeNotifier reset ProgressNotifier when it changes, but I would like ProgressNotifier to reset itself when BatchSizeNotifier changes by listening to it, but it doesn't seem to work. ...
Fractale's user avatar
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Why does Github Co-Pilot stopped working properly? [closed]

Im working on an App currently and helping me out with GitHub Copilot. It worked the whole time for like 8 hours straight and now it suddenly just gives me unfinished or completly wrong lines of code. ...
Willi's user avatar
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I can't figure out the correct behavior of the macro

At the moment (Dart 3.6.0) creates a macro file with the following content: part of 'path_to_parent_file.dart'; // Generated code Which means it is part of the parent file. Everything works fine in ...
mezoni's user avatar
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How to bypass server restrictions for downloading a file due to CORS policy?

I am working on a Flutter application, and I need to download a ZIP file from a public server using an HTTP GET request. The URL is something like: "". However, ...
Omri Developer's user avatar
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Improving Distance Calculation with Real-Time GPS Data: Handling Inaccuracies and Errors (Taxi app)

I’m calculating the distance traveled based on consecutive latitude and longitude points (n-1 and n) using the Haversine formula. I’m using the Geolocator package to stream location data every second. ...
Sardor Uchqunov's user avatar
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My Flutter app using Firebase gets stuck on loading screen after pressing button [closed]

My Flutter app using Firebase gets stuck on loading screen after pressing button. button code: TextButton(onPressed: (){ _submit(context); }, child: Text("Sign In") ), void ...
Antoniy274's user avatar

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