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How to integrate BrightcovePlayer into a Jetpack Compose application?

I am developing a fully Jetpack Compose application, and I need to add functionality to play videos using BrightcovePlayer. The issue is that BrightcovePlayer extends Activity, and I can't directly ...
Zurriaga's user avatar
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Reload / refresh exoplayer if video freezes / stops (live streaming)

I have a very simple Android app designed to continuously stream a single live M3U8 URL. However, after running for a while (minutes or hours), the video occasionally freezes. How can I detect when ...
nagualcode's user avatar
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Black screen with Exoplayer inside AndroidExternalSurface

I am using Exoplayer inside a HorizontalPager as I want to get a carousel of videos where the next one is always loaded to optimize the performance of loading videos. To manage the multiple instances ...
Ludiras's user avatar
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Android Media3 Exoplayer : How to set different cookie for each HlsMediaSource while call addMediaItem() function?

Recently I try to migrate standalone Exoplayer SDK to Media3 Exoplayer. While I implement MediaLibrayService and the callback listener, I can play normal mp3 url through MediaController.setMediaItem()....
Luna_Shih's user avatar
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How to Seamlessly Update HLS Stream URL in ExoPlayer When Manifest Expires (HTTP 483) Without Interrupting Playback?

I am using ExoPlayer to play an HLS stream in a Kotlin-based Android app. Our media server changes the stream links every minute to avoid video link leakage. If I request .ts chunks based on an ...
Mneckoee's user avatar
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How to download old version library?

hello In the java source code of an old Android Studio project from ExoPlayer version 2.10.6 Used, Gerdle can't download this version, I can't edit the codes, I can't find the file aar, what should I ...
siavash hosseini's user avatar
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clearkey drm with exoplayer playback error

i am trying to play the clearkey drm stream in my android app using media3 exoplayer library. code is showing no error but when i am trying to launch the app it is giving these 2 exceptions: first one ...
Muteeb Rehman's user avatar
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How to play AIFF format audio file in AndroidX Media3 ExoPlayer?

I am trying to make a ionic cordova plugin using AndroidX Media3 Exoplayer for android now. During the development, I faced one challenge: AIFF format audio file is not played by ExoPlayer. Below is ...
Crazy Dev's user avatar
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How to switch the adaptation set (trackGroup) associated with a video renderer on the fly without restarting the player

I am creating an implementation of exoplayer where I have 4 video renderers (created 3 extra). I have modified by DASH manifest in such a way that each adaption set represents a camera angle and one ...
Shri Hari's user avatar
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Exoplayer crashes if there is no Internet while downloading

Exoplayer, When i disconnect wifi while downloading a video,it crashes app and show below error, What can i do so the app will not crash and give a Toast instead that No Internet. Here is the error ...
Shawon's user avatar
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Exoplayer can't play rtp url

I'm streaming a video using the RTP/TCP protocol. VLC media player works perfectly with the stream URL, but ExoPlayer displays a black screen. playerView = findViewById( val ...
Stuart's user avatar
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I want to set Picture in Picture window scale to maximum size like match parent width without user's input (pinch to zoom in) in android

I have successfully implanted PIP for my video player App. here is code boolean allowed = getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE); if (allowed) { ...
Rup Sarma's user avatar
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How to Play UDP Streams Using Media3 (ExoPlayer)?

I'm currently working on an Android app using the Media3 (ExoPlayer) library to stream video content. I've successfully implemented playback for HTTP streams, but I'm having trouble playing a UDP ...
chirantha's user avatar
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How to play AES/CTR/NoPadding encrypted video onfly using AesCipherDataSource

I am using exoplayers latest version androidx.media3.exoplayer.I have a AES/CTR/NoPadding encrypted video online,i want to decrypt it and play using AesCipherDataSource.i dont want full decrypt and ...
Shawon's user avatar
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White noise when Exoplayer streams music to discord bot

I'm trying to stream audio bytes to a discord bot, but instead of music there's a lot of noise. Moreover, the bot connects successfully, the codec works. The first thing that comes to mind is that I ...
Ikrom's user avatar
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