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Include fully qualified url within PHP code without using an ESI tag [duplicate]

Would like to call a fully qualified URL such as and include that HTML code snippet within a PHP page. The reason for this is that the entire PHP page is dynamic but ...
user2193480's user avatar
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How to run external javascript op page resize [closed]

My site contains a page with an external script to generate a form. When the page is resized the form disappears and the page has to be reloaded to rerun the external script. How can the external ...
Fort Pannerden's user avatar
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Need .board and Flash File for STM32H745 with MT25QL512A in IAR

I am working on a project using the STM32H745 microcontroller with an MT25QL512A external QSPI flash. I am using IAR Embedded Workbench for development and require the following: .board file: Specific ...
Harshal Gajjalwar's user avatar
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Getting "Attempted to read or write protected memory" error

I converted C# code to VB.Net - C# Version: [DllImport("ALL.dll", EntryPoint = "API_ISO15693_Inventory")] static extern int API_ISO15693_Inventory(IntPtr commHandle, int ...
Greg Topham's user avatar
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Android how to configure provider path for dual app storage

Two connected questions: Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() gives me the external storage. But I just noticed that dual apps (You can clone apps for example on Xiaomi) have ...
xCa0z's user avatar
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Delphi executing an external program with two-way interaction

I need to execute a commandline program (.exe) in full interactive mode. That is, I need to call the executable with a command which turns it into an interactive program. From the Windows command ...
Bart Kindt's user avatar
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Inter process usage of Vulkan VK_KHR_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_EXTENSION

I am trying to make VK_KHR_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_EXTENSION work. Similar to this ...
Stephane Germain's user avatar
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How do I detect if a USB is being inserted AND the NAMES of the UBS(S)

I am not sure where to even start I did some googling but I cant find anyhing for java. AI has also been unhelpful I have treid some code that can dectect a ubs but im not sure about the name Here is ...
Tijil Saka's user avatar
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CMake clean build files of custom command

I have a CMake project where I need to call an external build tool (not make) with add_custom_command/add_custom_target to create a set of object files that other libs/executables depend on. ...
cromlegionar's user avatar
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How can I access struct functions from external compiled .dll if those structs are not declared in the header file?

I cannot share the actual project code, but I will provide an exact code example for the problem I face. I am trying to implement my own separate component (project) in the solution (Visual Studio ...
YYY's user avatar
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Get external ip of local server in php, FAST

I need to get ahold of my servers external IP number. This is proving harder than I thought, so I need your help. I do know that I can get the IP number of someone visiting the website a few different ...
Daniel Bengtsson's user avatar
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Spring Boot 3 Session Clustering Error Deployed on External Tomcat10

I use Spring Boot 3.x and an external Tomcat 10. Set up session clustering on an external Tomcat If I check on the jsp page, the session is shared, but If I check the same logic with spring boot ...
watercolor's user avatar
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Converting Classic ASP to Javascript to display HTML pages

We are updating our server and it will no longer support Classic ASP. The site is simple, I just don't know how to do it. All in same folder: index.html, a.html, b.html a.html: <p>this is A</...
AngelDeLaNoche's user avatar
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How to access Authorization header in React application to extract JWT token sent by external Service?

I'm working on a React.Js application that receives a JWT token from external service as part of the Authorisation header for security reasons. I need to extract this token in my React component to ...
Muhammad Ibrahim Jan's user avatar
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How to access certs from a spring boot jar file on a server?

I have running a spring boot application as a jar file on a server (open shift). I need different keystores and truststores depending on the environment. This means I can't commit those files but need ...
naptoon's user avatar
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