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ld: framework 'FirebaseCore' not found

I have a kmm app that uses Firebase. In the android project, the packages are found in the build process, the problem is with the ios app. When I try to build the iOS app, I receive the error: > ...
dhaval123's user avatar
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firebase phone number otp failed to send

I'm making a simple chat app in android studio, but the phone number OTP failed to sent even though i used a real device to run the app (samsung galaxy a52 android 14). Here is the code : package com....
Kahiry363's user avatar
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How do I call a cloud function using a service account from another cloud function?

I'm using cloud functions gen 1 and Node. The function in question is firebase authentication triggered, so it runs when a user signs up for my app. I can get a GoogleAuth token, but the target ...
arthurz12345's user avatar
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Build with apphosting with --configuration=development [closed]

I'm working with app hosting, 2 projects (diff backends linked to different branches) for the same app, the thing is that I have filereplacements and other rules based in the --configuration= in my ...
Isaac Mena's user avatar
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How can I check if there's a profile associated with an account when I check the JWT with spring-oauth2

I have implemented Spring-OAuth2 to authenticate user requests. But I also want the fronted to create a user profile in the database before I allow them to interact with the API. So basically I want ...
user2741831's user avatar
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What paths should I add to .gitignore after integrating Firebase into a Unity project? [closed]

I recently integrated Firebase into my Unity project. Some of the files added by Firebase seem unnecessary or too large to push to the repository. I’ve seen suggestions to ignore the entire Firebase ...
Bishok's user avatar
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In Firestore security rules how can I check if a value is in an array of objects?

I have this data in a Firestore document: { name: "Tom", groups: [ 0: { groupId: "12345", moreInfo: "bla" }, 1: { groupId: "67890&...
Tom Banister's user avatar
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How can I use "source" dimension to analyze a specific event in Google (Firebase) Analytics?

I'm using Google (Firebase) Analytics in an iOS app and track the event like follows. Analytics.logEvent("event-name", parameters: [ AnalyticsParameterSource: "source-value" ]) ...
Toru's user avatar
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Failed to get service from broker. java.lang.SecurityException: Unknown calling package name ''

I am getting this error on google sign in and after every time my app starts. Failed to get service from broker. (Ask Gemini) java.lang.SecurityException: Unknown calling package ...
Asad Waheed Gondal's user avatar
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My Flutter app using Firebase gets stuck on loading screen after pressing button [closed]

My Flutter app using Firebase gets stuck on loading screen after pressing button. button code: TextButton(onPressed: (){ _submit(context); }, child: Text("Sign In") ), void ...
Antoniy274's user avatar
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Carplay - Firebase - Flutter [closed]

I'm develop an flutter application integrated with carplay and firebase messaging. When I initialized firebase for my iOS application, i easily got APNS token from firebase. But after adding carplay ...
Thắng Nguyễn's user avatar
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Firebase Push Notification is not showing on my iPhone [closed]

I am building an iOS project and have set up Firebase and did all the settings right but whenever I want to send a notification from Firebase, the notification doesn't show on my iPhone. The console ...
emre's user avatar
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I am getting Xcode abseil undefined symbol error

Flutter iOS Build Issue: Undefined Symbols Error in Xcode I successfully developed a Flutter app on my Windows PC, where it works perfectly on Android devices. Now, I want to run and compile the app ...
Yasin G.'s user avatar
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Firestore setoptions merge true and update overriding even other fields

I am trying to update my firestore doc from different screens. But when i use .set with merge true or even use update the previous values gets assigned to null. Please help me to sort out this problem ...
Abhay Varma's user avatar
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firebase.configure() make the app take so long to launch [closed]

i was working on my ios app and i encountered this an issue with firebase.configure() where it make the app take too long (more than a minute) to launch and it happens only when i deploy my app to ...
KERIM AZOU's user avatar

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