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AngularFire: No Provider for Firebase Options Error Using APP_INITIALIZER with AWS Secrets Manager

I'm trying to initialize Firebase in my Angular application by fetching the Firebase config from AWS Secrets Manager before the application starts. I've set up the initialization using APP_INITIALIZER ...
Abhishek Krishna's user avatar
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Getting error after trying to use authentication of Firebase service from another component

I am using the Firebase Authentication service in my Angular app. I have created a service to check the user authentication status. When I try to use this as a service in the navbar component I get ...
Vinayak Sutar's user avatar
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The XMLHttpRequest compatibility library was not found

I am doing a project with Angular and Firebase and I started to get this error. At first I didnt have this error, but then I used FirebaseTSAuth methods and the error appeared. Can someone help? This ...
Vladislav Georgiev's user avatar
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Angular and Firebase: unable to ng add @angular/fire

It's like three days I'm trying to get this thing done with little results. I want to use Google Firebase services inside of my Angular project. I'm following this link to use it in my project. I ...
Andrea Militano's user avatar
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Firebase AppCheck is not working for angularJS, showing 100% Unverified requests for Realtime Database

Firebase AppCheck is not working for angularJS, Showing 100% Unverified requests for Realtime Database Firebasejs: 3.6.4 Angularfire: 2.3.0 AngularJS: 1.6.0 I have modified the Firebasejs library to ...
Vindhyachal Kumar's user avatar
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Performing two firebase queries to inner join 2 lists

I'm building a simple marketplace web app where the user posts their products. I want to get the user owner of each product. Please tell me how do I perform Firebase inner joins using observables! ...
Sb Zakaria's user avatar
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How to get from [firebase-messaging-sw.js] Received background message (payload)

I'm trying to get my FCM web notifications to contain a clickable link to my site. I have generated fcmlink through backend(java). 1.Created Class NotificationWebDataDTO which implements ...
Bhushan Rohankar's user avatar
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Firebase seems to save names based on local devices

First of all, not sure where to post this on the Stack community. I am creating an app, which suppose to be responsive, see: When I save to Firebase, from different devices,...
Jorge Guerra Pires's user avatar
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Firebase createUserWithEmailAndPassword displayName returned null

I am trying to create a new user with email and password using firebase auth. However, when I try to access the displayName and from the returned async call I get a null value (before updateProfile ...
ArjunBhalodia's user avatar
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Firebase .getDownloadURL() returns undefined in Angular

I created function which on form submit to upload picture to Firebase storage. The function is uploading the img successfuly but can't retrieve the proper url. It is returning 'undefined' for url ...
Atanas's user avatar
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Query a Firestore Collection using Angular Fire & Angular Js

I need to query the data from the firestore collection in Angularjs. I already get the data from firestore using this code in the vanilla javascript. import { getFirestore, doc, getDoc,getDocs, ...
nawaz uddin's user avatar
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ng update @angular/fire --allow-dirty --force made many errors?

i face the error FirebaseError: Missing or insufficient permissions only on page reload : so i decided to update the npm module with this command " ng update @angular/fire --allow-dirty --...
Yass Ess's user avatar
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_trackEvent() method in Google analytic. and what method in firebase analytics?

Earlier we used the Google analytics in our application, in which we used the .trackEvent() method which use to record user interaction with website elements. Now we migrate to firebase analytics, ...
Harshit Gupta's user avatar
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Getting wrong results: Time-zone issue when hitting api from AngularJS and querying for result from firebase using NodeJS

I have wrong result returned when queried with date-range. I am using DateRangePicker jQuery for selecting date range and time range. Then I hit my api and send my date/Moment js object to my node js ...
Saud Ahmed's user avatar
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How to get one items from my Firebase realtime Database with Angular Ionic

this is my Realtime database I want to find the article of the person connected and display infomation This is my ionic script page here are my imports I can retrieve the id of the user to connect ...
Abdel Shmurda's user avatar

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