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catch exception when using FirebaseAuth

I am trying to create a login using firebase authentication, I have already managed to create new users and store it in the system, I can log in if I enter the username and password correctly but when ...
rodrigo s's user avatar
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facing this runtime error when trying to write a code to firestore

import 'package:chatapp/app/routes/app_pages.dart'; import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart'; import 'package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart'; import '...
Muhammad Raihan's user avatar
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Firebase giving accounts that do not exist

I am using firebase with flutter and have successfully integrated authentication. However, I have deleted all accounts in the firebase console. I am using a stream of authStateChanges to check whether ...
Sanchit Batra's user avatar
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Flutter, The following _TypeError was thrown building NLoginForm(dirty): type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'String'

I had no problem building this on android but when I tried building on iOS I encountered this error. I was able to do all the authentication process on Android with no problem but I cant on iOS. Full ...
Safwan Norasidin's user avatar
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Force the verificationComplete callback

Im using firebase auth to login users in my app. Im seeing that there is a way to use sms in order to verify phone numbers and create users. The documentation says that you can autocomplete your input ...
Ricardo Edmundo Juarez Salazar's user avatar
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Firebase Auth's method: sendSignInLinkToEmail gives an internal error

Does anyone have an idea what's wrong. I'm trying to accomplish first step: 1. Send an authentication link to the user's email address (according to docs:
Tomas Baran's user avatar
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SMS Verification code request failed : unknown status code 17006

Regarding firebase OTP in flutter, Im stuck with the error : “SMS Verification code request failed : unknown status code 17006. Invoking original failure callbacks after phone verification failure for ...
mohamed altawil's user avatar
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Logout from all devices as user account deleted from firebase flutter [duplicate]

I have web and mobile versions of the app. I am logged in with the same account on mobile and the web. When I deleted my account on mobile, I was able to perform all the actions on the web. So, how ...
Shehzad Raheem's user avatar
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Flutter MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method Auth#signInWithEmailAndPassword on channel

(on linux app)I get this error when trying to sign in using firebase auth, running the app with F5 directly crashes it and the error was like this first: MissingPluginException('No implementation ...
Codseus's user avatar
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Google login does not work on Android after publication in Google Play (Flutter )

I really need help because I'm completely out of ideas. Task: I was given a Flutter app that has already been published for several years and was asked to fix the Google login (Firebase) on Android ...
Эрика Эрика's user avatar
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Duplicate global key detected in widget tree

I am facing a problem duplicate global key detected in widget tree when I use static keyword with global key. If I don't use this static keyword then keyboard hides automatically after few seconds. ...
Abdullah Shahzad's user avatar
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Bad state: field does not exist within the DocumentSnapshotPlatform problem

I want to do the sign-in method and I face this run time error ,I don't know the reason cause it or how to solve it. I want to checks all cases for login my code is: ElevatedButton( ...
asmaald's user avatar
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Flutter - google_sign_in uses allways previously signed in account

I'm trying to sign in and out using firebase google authentication. When I hit "Sign in with Google", I can choose the account, but the previous user gets loaded. This is my code of the ...
Lumi0Kr0mus's user avatar
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Navigate to another page in StreamBiulder on Flutter

I'm Trying to know if the user is logged in or not using firebase google Auth and send him to different pages depending the case. If the user is Logged in, Streambuilder returns profile() and if not, ...
Lumi0Kr0mus's user avatar
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My LogIn page has 2 different types of users , each in a separated collection in the firebase

am using a userId , that must exist in one of these 2 collections "Users" OR "StoreOwners" one of them has a document inside the collection , and the other will cause an error ...
Mohammed Sabbagh's user avatar

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